Visit part 4

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Upon entering the room I saw a child with Black hair and eyes like mine though the color of those eyes were of that women's. she looked deep in thought she didn't even notice us.  As she was looking outside she looked dispirited but there was no sign of her previous dementor.

I called her name but she not at all paying attention. Even after a few times I failed in getting her attention just as it was getting on my nerves 

 Alice grabbed my sleeves and called her softly "Rosa"

At my wife's voice Rosa finally looked up. As to register that she was the one who was called she looked around her then towards us.

I was surprised at what I saw, her eyes were red from crying carrying big black bags and she looked so pale at if touched she would immediately turn into dust.

My wife gasped in horror and immediately walked towards Rosa and put her in her embrace.

Just as I was about to protest I heard small sounds of sobbing. Her voice was sore so much at even letting out a sound hurt her throat.

from where I stand I don't see a brat but a child who was desperately searching for her mother, just what happened for her to change so drastically

Rifollia tugged on my shirt and also saw her in surprise. At some point she saw Alice and I and followed us here

Even my wife didn't know what to say she just hugged her patted her head comfortably still in her embrace.

Rosalina's pov

5 days have passed since that incident happened now Mom would visit me everyday and when she would be busy I would go find her after all I don't want to be separated from her again.

As I had never learned anything about this world thanks to my previous attitude I had to catch up on many things so it really reduced my time with mom but even that was a bonus point since other than library which considered general studying all the other things were taught by mom. 

She taught me the etiquette and many other things that I wasn't able to learn from books.

Just like that today I am sitting with Rifollia and Mom in the garden. Apparently at that time Rio saw me and I really don't know how but we just kind of got close to each other?..

I guess I was saved by the fact that she is just 5 years old otherwise let alone forgiveness I suppose I would on her no. one list where on top it would be written 'My most hated people'

Ouch! that kind of hurts just from imagining. Just by looking at her I can't imagine how I could've been the only person on that hating list. Since knowing this little puppy she would even give chocolates to the person who sold her off in her sleep.

How dare previous Rosa ...lets leave it its was me myself after all...

Lets just go to the topic mom is telling and listen carefully

"Mom can you please tell me about our magic" Rio asked in her sweet tone ...cute

I am sure my eyes are sparking on that after all magic is a total novel thing and this world has it.

Seeing both of us mom told us that there were 3 types of magic







demonic eye



After knowing that mom looked at me and told me that I would have my testing this year.

 Apparently magic is tested when a child turns 9 years old before that its best not to awaken the mana as it is too taking on the body.

Suddenly I remembered that there were no magic books in the library so naturally I asked mom about it but when I looked at them I saw they were shocked?  

"Rosa I heard that you never went to the library so how do you say that there are no magic books?"

I did feel saddened but it really can't be helped since I think mom and my timings never matched but still...

"Nah its just recently I started to go so not everyone knew about it"

 They were still confused but choose to remain silent

"But I did look around so how come?"

"Magic books are hard so they are kept separately, I will show it to you at another time"


"Oh! it's already late ,Sorry rosa but I have to leave with rio now" 

Just as they were leaving I mustered up my courage as I shouted 

"RIFOLLIA" Clutching on my dress which I imagine is totally wrinkled by now.

"I am SORRY, even in these 5 days I hadn't apologized to you properly but I hope you can forgive me for all of my acts before"

Rifollia was surprised but then she said "Its alright sister"

I was flustered I did want a little sister as sweet as rifollia, But never imagined that she'd be the first one to call me that.

At that statement I was so happy I tightly embraced her and kissed her forehead as I said thank you.

Mom also joined us and tightly embraced me and rio, I was so happy that got a second chance.

After 9 months:

(Author: just kind of time skipped since it won't make sense for her to learn everything in just a few months)

It was honestly my most happy year as I spent more time with my mother than any other.

Rio and I were getting along well and in mid of that a cute little brother also joined us. He was kind of shy at first but since I didn't have any contact with him previously here weren't any complications added to the fact that he is just 3 years old.

At this time I was called to my father's office and was told that we had a ball 1 week from now on where our magic will also be awakened, it was the prince birthday when he turned 9 and one day before my birthday .

Apparently it was also our first family outing so Rio was quite excited. 

At that note I also learned more about this world in the past year though I wasn't allowed to touch magic books but mom did show them to me as promised. Hence I can now confidently say that I wasn't by any means lacking common sense defined by nobles of this world.

Like knowing the names of some nobles was necessary along with etiquette and curtesy. 

Only one week was remaining before the ball so everyone was busy including mom but since I am still a child right now I was thankfully not required to do anything other than trying some dresses without a fuss.

It really went by real quick and it was time for the departure.

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