Chapter 6: Fruits of Freedom

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Drip, drip, drip. 

Water from the ceiling leaked onto Jojo's forehead.

"Oh, you're awake!" said Mel, in excitement, then she flew away. Jojo's eyes opened suddenly, in which she found herself on bundles of silk. As she carried herself up, her wings suddenly felt full. She looked at them to find that her wings were at full capacity again! It was when glory decided to meet up with her again.

"WHEEEE!" chirped Jojo in glee, as she propelled herself high into the ceiling, and dashed across the pillars in the Dream World, then she landed on Mama's right wing. She had wanted to announce how she felt free again.

"Yes I know, look at those fruits in the distance," she pointed to the end of the corridor.

At the end of the corridor was a large tree, bearing fruits of every colour. It is known that only those who had attained freedom would radiate the power for the flowers and fruits to bloom. Mama Phoenix told Jojo to pick one and take a bite. Jojo picked the smallest fruit, in which her beak took a bite. The juice filled her mouth until it leaked. The goodness of every milliliter was like a river of good essence filling in her once empty soul. 

Jojo feasted, until she felt drowsy. Before a second passed, she dove back again into an unconscious darkness.

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