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While he was showering, Hiro thought this could happen. But he didn't really think it would. It was just a random scenario that popped into his head that was possible, but he didn't believe would happen.

Well it did. And honestly he didn't know if it was his fault or not, leaving Leon alone in the kitchen after he had just made a new batch of cookies and telling him he could grab a snack if he wanted. But it was Leon's fault for eating four. One was enough!

Should he tell him? Or make him throw them up? Or just let it happen? The last option seemed dangerous, the second would never happen so he should probably tell him.

"How many did you have again?" He asked, Leon held up four fingers and continued eating the one in his hand. Hiro grabbed the treat and threw it in the trash can.

"That's more than enough!" He shouted. Arms crossed.

"What the hell dude?" Leon responded confused. Hiro pinched his forehead.

"Leon! Those have pot in them! One is more than enough to get you wasted! And you had four you're going to be fucked man!"

Leon's eyes widened. "Why didn't you tell me?!" He yelled.

"I didn't think you would go straight for the pot cookies!" Hagakure defended. "Guess I shouldn't have any tonight."


"Because you're going to be so out of it I need to make sure you don't die!"

Leon's eyes widened even more and he covered his mouth. "Was that enough to kill me?!" He squeaked. Great, the weed was already taking it's effect. Hagakure facepalmed. Tonight was going to be a long night.

Weed makes you relaxed, chilled out, calm or whatever. Not Leon, the last thing Hagakure expected someone high out of their mind would be this clingy.  Leon had practically squeezed himself between Hagakure's back and the sofa. Hagakure in all his years of watching others get high had never seen someone do this! And every time Hagakure moved, or tried to put a ounce of breathing room between the two, Leon followed. Yes sure maybe in like a month they'll be able to laugh their asses off about this, but right now this was fucking annoying.

"Leon, you need to move." He said, no response. "Leon?" No response again. He put his arm around Leon and wedged him up. He latched on to his arm and pressed his face against Hiro's bicep.

"Jesus Leon!" He stated. Despite being totally still and seemingly resting, Leon's eyes were wide open and seemed to be staring at nothing and everything ay the same time. His pupils were dilated beyond belief. He really was fucked up. He probably won't even remember any of this.

"Leon seriously? Do you even understand I'm talking to you?"

Leon didn't even blink.

"Shit, I think you need to go to bed." He said wrapping his arm under Leon and picking him up before carrying him to his room. Leon literally clinging to Hiro.

Once he was laid down, Hiro thought about just leaving him and letting him have his high. But this was a really weird high and he would feel guilty ignoring him in a state like this. Leon did not react well to extremely high doses of weed so it would be best to stay with him. Leon was still clearly awake and very still. He looked like a corpse save the few times he would blink every couple of minutes. Hiro thought about calling someone for help or taking him to a doctor. But Leon's only nineteen!  And who knows the kind of trouble he would get because of this. After all it was am accident so he really didn't do anything wrong. But it would look bad on Hagakure as they would see it as he 'supplied' him with the weed. Either way, someone would get in trouble. So it looked like Leon would have to stick it out for now.

Hiro sighed and got under his blanket as well. He might as well sleep and hope Leon does to. The sooner they fall asleep the sooner this will be over. He wrapped his arm around Leon's back and pulled him slightly towards him and laid there for a bit. Slowly, Leon's eyes grew heavy and began to shut, and once Hagakure knew he was asleep he allowed himself to sleep as well. Tomorrow would be a not so fun day and Hiro was not looking forward to it. But he needed to sleep so he could be there for Leon.

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