We're Leaving

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Thea's POV
Me and Harry we're sitting in bed exactly like we did all summer. We've gotten yelled at and stayed in our room which has been extremely boring. I've gotten pretty good with my telekinesis because I have nothing else to do.

I looked to see Harry was reading a book which made me smile. I lifted my hand and the book shot to my hand. "Hey!" Harry yelled.

I laughed a little bit and gave him a smile. We both look so different. He's grown taller and his hair is longer. He looks so much older now. I've gotten a little taller but not by much. I have more shape to my body now then I did and my hair is longer.

"Here," I said as it floated back to him.

"Thanks." He grabbed it out of the air and opens it. "Damn it Thea I lost my page."

I laughed a little bit "Hey I can't help it I'm so bored."

"Well you shouldn't take your boredom out of me play with your cat for gods sake."

I picked up Daisy and put her on my stomach and started stroking her back. "Thea Harry come get the door!" Aunt Petunia yelled. We signed and both rushed downstairs and opened the door to reveal Marge. She shoved her umbrella into my chest and walked away with Uncle Vernon. I rolled my eyes as I put it leaning against the wall.

Everyone started to have a nice dinner while me and Harry stood there waiting if they needed anything. "So where do you two misfits go to school?" She asked.

"A private school for delinquents like them," Uncle Vernon.

"Hope they get beat kids like them deserve it the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

"What's that suppose to mean?" I asked with attitude.

"Watch the attitude young lady! I mean they your father was a drunk."

"What did you just say?" I tried to take a step forward but Harry grabbed my hand.

"Or maybe it was your mother, children tend to follow them more."

I glared and her glass shattered into millions of pieces. Then the lights started to flicker.

"Come clean this up young lady!" She shouted at me.

I noticed she was starting to enlarge like a bubble. I don't think that was my doing to I looked at Harry who was glaring just as hard. She started to float away as Uncle Vernon chased after her. I could of brought her back down if I wanted to but we both just went upstairs. Harry looked enraged.

I mean so was I but I didn't really want to listen to her opinions in the first place. "That was good Harry, I have no clue how you did that but awesome!" I exclaimed.

"I'm leaving," he said as he started to pack his things.

"To go where?" I asked. Sitting down on my bed as I started to let Daisy again.

"I-I don't know but I know I'm not staying here so either your coming with me or I'm going by myself."

"Well obviously I'm coming with you don't be ridiculous."


We finished packing and I put Daisy in her cage. We walked downstairs with her bags as Uncle Vernon came up to us furiously. "Bring her back right now!" He yelled at me.

"No!" Harry yelled.

"I swear you little-," he stopped when Harry took out his wand. Uncle Vernon backed up a little bit "You can't use magic outside of school."

I brought my hands up as water circled around them. "I'd back off before you get your ass blasted, we're leaving," I growled.

"Where are you going to go! No ones going to take you!" He yelled.

"Anywhere but here!" Harry yelled back and stomped out the door.

"I swear tho little brat," he said to the both of us as we made our way out the door. I smiled back at him as he watched us walk off I pushed my hands forward and the door broke off. "AHH!" I heard everyone yell.

Harry has pulled in front of me so I ran up to him. "What's the rush, we don't have anywhere to be?" I asked trying to lighten the mood.

"It's just so frustrating!" He yelled as he took a seat on the side of the street.

"Tell me about it." I took a seat next to him as I set down my bag. I carefully set down Daisy as I stuck my finger in the cage as she licked it. "So what's your plan now?" I asked.

"I-I don't know I didn't really think this far."

I laughed "Well be fine, it is quite cold though," I said as I heard creaking behind us.

We both saw things in the park moving. We heard growling in front of us causing both of us to wipe our heads around. We both saw a wolf creeping out of the bushes causing both of us to stand. I felt my hands start to be surrounded by water. Harry fell back as it took a step forward. I was about to send a blast of water towards it when I heard a horn from a bus. It looked like three busses were on top of each other. The water disappeared from my hands as It stopped in front of us and the guy started talking but I blocked him out as we both looked around the bus to see where the wolf had gone. "What you looking at?" The guy asked creeping around the side of the bus.

"N-nothing," Harry said. We both went for our bags but the guy insisted he would get it so I just picked up Daisys cage and walked onto the bus. There was beds in it with a sleeping woman. We walked past to the front of the bus and sat down on a bed.

"Where are you two going?" The man asked.

"The Leaky Cauldron," Harry answered.

"It's gonna be a bumpy ride," A head said.

A literal head.

We took off and we're both sent flying back. I hung onto Daisy as we went flying around the bus.

"What about the Muggles?" Harry asked as we kept getting thrown around.

"They can't see anything."

"Really?" I asked but then was thrown into the bed.

We stopped all the sudden and Harry got thrown into the window as I stopped myself with my feet before I could be thrown as well.

After a few minutes it stopped again "Here's your stop." I felt nauseous from all the movement but got up grabbing my bag.

"We've been expecting you," Someone said as he lead us in.

We walked in to see Hedwig. "You have a smart bird, he came here a few minutes before you two got here, anyways you may stay but please don't be as reckless, also here are your books you will need for school and your room keys, you two are in luck you have separate rooms."

We walked to our rooms which were right next to each other. I was exhausted and nauseous from this whole day.

"Hopefully tomorrow will be better," I said looking at Harry.

"Yeah hopefully Goodnight."

"Goodnight Harry."

I walked into my rook to see a big bed which I normally don't get. I set Daisy down and filled up a little bit of her food and filled it up with water. I went to the bathroom and took a nice long and hot shower. After that I got greased in pajamas and saw Daisy curled up into a ball on one of the pillows. I laid down and felt my eyes get heavy.

"I can't wait to see everyone," I thought.

Ahhhhh!!! Book three everyone let me know how you all like it! Don't forget to follow my Instagram vick_stories to know when the chapter will be dropped! Anyways I love you all🖤💚

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