That's Quite Enough

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Thea's POV
I woke up sweating "Weird dream," I thought sitting up. Maybe because I saw Lupin I just had a weird dream because I thought I knew him? I shook the thoughts from my head and got out of bed. I saw everyone was still sleeping but the sun was up.

I got completely ready and walked upstairs to see Draco just walking up too. "Good morning," I said walking up to him.

"Oh good morning," Draco said with a small smile as he took a seat.

I sat down next to him and leaned my head back. "Can you believe that we're already in our third year?" I asked looking over.

He was looking right out the window at the fish. "Yeah, it feels like just yesterday we were first years hating on each other."

"Those were interesting times." We both chuckled a little when we heard some people walking up the stairs. I turned to see Scott and Oliver who looked much older "They still go here?" I asked Draco who was also looking at them.

"Yeah, after last year they said they wouldn't do what they were planning to do again."

"And they believed that?" I asked. Draco looked over at them as they walked by. I smiled as I looked at them. I waved my hand and a whole appeared at the bottom of his bag that will get bigger from all the pressure of his books and eventually break.

Once they left Draco looked at me "Of course not, there's still keeping an eye on them." I nodded in understatement.

"Oh good morning guys," Tracy said walking over and taking a seat.

"Morning Tracy, I forgot to ask how are you and Thomas?" I asked.

"Oh we're great actually, he's literally the best."

"Ahh I hear your talking about me," Thomas asked walking over with a smile.

"Yup, good morning." Thomas walked over to Tracy and put his arm around her shoulder as he gave her a kiss.

"Oh get a room," Goyle said walking up with Elijah.

"Good were all here I'm starving, let's go get breakfast," Elijah said already walking past us. We all got up and started to walk. We turned the corner and ran into a group of Hufflepuff's.

"Watch it Slytherins," One growled. I looked and saw Cedric was in front of everyone.

"Us watch it, you-," Elijah started.

"Guys be nice," I said.

"Huh?" Everyone said.

"Yeah no need to fight. Me and Thea know each other," Cedric said with a smile on his face.

"You know a Potter?" One of his friends asked.

"Yeah actually I do, sorry we ran into you guys," Cedric apologized.

"It's fine, mostly our fault. Well we're gonna head to the grand hall see you around," I said as we walked passed each other.

"That was weird," I heard Tracy say.

"We met a year or two ago," I said as we walked into the grand hall and took our seats.


We walked into Defense Against The Dark Arts and the seats were only where two people could sit next to each other. Draco took a seat and right as I was about to sit down Pansy sat down and wrapped her arm around his. I signed shaking my head "Look Pansy don't start something right now, get up I'm sitting here," I said.

"Says who?" He laughed.

"Says me, get up Parkinson," Draco said taking his arm back.

"But Darcy-," She started.

The Twin Who Fell In Love ~ Book 3 Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now