I Feel Bad for Him

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Thea's POV
I yawned while sitting up and stretching my arms. No one else was up as usual but something felt off. I felt like something was watching me so I decided to act normal. I got up and got dressed like I would any other day then waiting until it was time to meet Draco. As I walked up the stairs I still felt that weird feeling. Whoever was watching was following me... I saw Draco taking a seat on the couch "Good morning Draco," I said with a smile.

"Morning," Draco said yawning.

I took a seat next to him and leaned close to him. His cheeks turned pink "I'm going to make something fall then look around quickly I think we're being watched," I whispered.

He was about to say something but I moved my fingers and made a book fall off the shelf. We both whipped around and looked around quickly trying to look like we were seeing what fell. I felt the weird feeling go away as we both didn't see anything. "I think their gone," I said looking back at Draco.

"Are you sure someone was watching us?" He asked.

"I mean I'm pretty sure but not positive. I honestly thought there was someone else here with us but I could of been wrong."

"I believe you, I just wonder who it was and why we couldn't see them."

"Yeah I wonder." I thought about it for a moment and didn't know what to think. We're they invisible? Did they cast a spell to see our every move?

I shook the thoughts out of my head when I heard footsteps behind us. It was Scott and Oliver glaring at us. "I've had enough of your idiotic faces looking at us. If you want to say something say it," Draco growled.

Oliver looked a little shocked "We we're just admiring how stupid you two are," Scott said.

"Is that suppose to be an insult?" I asked raising an eyebrow. Draco snickered a little bit as I crossed my arms. "Look you two are basically nobody's so saying we look stupid is the least bit of an insult."

Scott looked pissed as he stomped towards us. I put my hand up and he stopped dead in his tracks "Scott are you alright?" Oliver asked quietly.

"I c-can't move," He stuttered.

I stood up and walked closer to him and put my mouth close to his ear. "I'm a lot stronger then you remember. I know you promised you wouldn't do anything that would cause harm to this school but I'm going to put it in my own words. If you hurt anyone in anyway possible your life will be a living hell."

He looked terrified but I just gave waved my hand again so he was free. He started running out of the room with Oliver close behind him. "I kind of feel bad for Oliver in a way," I said walking back to Draco.

"Why?" He asked.

"Well it's obvious he doesn't really want to be doing what Scott has to do. You can tell by the look in his eyes it's like he's pleading for help." I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. "Maybe we should help."

"Are you serious? They've caused nothing but trouble for everyone."

"If you think about it Scott was telling Oliver what to do. Oliver hasn't really done anything if he wasn't told to by Scott."

Draco sighed but he knew I was right "Yeah I guess your right."

I opened my eyes and looked at him with a big smile "I know."

He just rolled his eyes but smiled. More and more people started heading to lunch until our friends showed up. We made our way down the hall until I ran right into someone...again.

I looked up expecting it to be Cedric but to my surprise it was professor Lupin. "Ahh just the people I was looking for," he said with a happy smile. I could see Harry, Ron, and Hermione were behind him and everyone started glaring at each other. "Oh if it isn't the Weaslbee," Elijah said rolling his eyes.

"If it isn't the rich prat," Hermione growled.

Everyone started throwing insults at each other while me and Draco held back because there was a teacher right in front of us. Did they not realize that? Harry was the only other one who realized that. Professor Lupin leaned down to my height because I was quite short "Let's get going shall we?"

I nodded taking Draco's hand than Harry's as I lead them away. We walked into his office "Please take a seat we have some things to discuss," He said as he sat down. The rest of us followed his actions and all sat down. I was in the middle of the two boys so they didn't end up killing each other. "I would like to teach you all the Patronum spell. It is to drive away the Dementors if they come after you again."

"Then why is Malfoy here?" Harry asked.

"Because they are more likely to go after Thea. Her abilities make her a threat because they assume she will assist Sirius Black. They are more likely to try and take her soul faster than anyone else. Draco is here because he is not a threat to the Dementors as of yet and because he is always with Thea is it essential for him to know the Patronum spell."

I could tell Harry wasn't very happy that he would have to be working with Draco but it's the safest option and he knew that. "When will we start?" I asked.

"You will start Saturday but prepare because it will be a hard thing to learn. As for now Harry you can leave but Thea and Draco please stay I have a few questions for you." Harry nodded and headed out the door leaving the three of us behind. "What do your abilities let you do. I heard you had water and you would make things float but how far can you take each one?"

"Well I've mastered my water ability I can breathe under water, part water, make it appear and a lot of other stuff. I've been working on my other ability but the farthest I can take it is lifting heavier objects. I can kind of lift people but it takes a lot of energy but I'm still working on it."

"Can you demonstrate? I would like to know if I can incorporate any of this in your training."

I put my hand out with my palm up and made water appear. I quickly transformed it into dolphins jumping in and out of the line of water I made. I made the water evaporate and Professor Lupin looked at me in awe even from a simple trick like that. I then put my hand out and one of his books flew right to my hand. I made the book float out of my hand and right to Professor Lupin with he grabbed then smiled.

"You truly are amazing! It would be an honor to help you train your abilities to the fullest," He said with a bright smile.

"Thanks that would be great." I gave him a smile back.

"Alright that's all for today though I will see you later in my class."

"Ok." I got out of my seat and walked out with Draco.

"He seemed really excited," Draco said.

"Yeah he did. I can't stop thinking I know him though it's weird. Every time I look at him a younger him comes into my mind."

"Maybe you should ask him," Draco suggested.

"Yeah maybe but I'll leave it for now."

Please comment what one of these powers she should have next!
Mind reading @g-loupipol
^^^ @JessicaLove035
Tell when people are lying @Ada-aaaa
That's it for powers make sure to vote!!!

For the weapon I got a lot of a piece of jewelry that can tuen into anything @ooooO-Ooooo

Sorry if I got the name wrong!

Sorry if I didn't @ you it's because I put the first person who had the idea. Please please please vote!

Follow my Instagram vick_stories for a notice ahead of time before I post a chapter!!!
But anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I love you all🖤💚

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