The Worst Night Of My Lift Part 4

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I didn't really sleep that horrid night; I more so drifted in and out of mild consciousness, remembering instead of dreaming. Still, I jolted to complete awareness when the office door suddenly slammed open. A man, one I'd never seen before, came in and looked at me. Within seconds he took me by the forearm and without making a sound, began dragging me forcefully from the room.

The warehouse was busy even this early in the morning. I didn't see Kougi; not that I was looking for him. The gangster now holding me simply brought me back to the main floor where the boss was issuing orders. He was too busy to notice us right away, so we just stood there very awkwardly- well, it was awkward for me at least. Eventually, after three minutes or so, the mob boss turned around, spotted us, and puffed on the fat cigar between his lips. Leave it to a mobster to smoke at six in the morning.

The boss blew a ring of smoke; his eyes sharpening on me. "Oh, yeah- her," he said this as if he'd forgotten about me. He forgot about me?! I spent the whole night up in that awful office by his command, and he forgot?! To make matters worse, he let out a sigh and rubbed the back of his head like I was some sort of nuisance to deal with now. "I don't know. Give her to Johnny; he'll know what to do with her." "Sure thing, boss," the guy clenching my arm confirmed. I was about to be dragged away again before all of a sudden, I got my reprieve.

Literally no one blinked when this unearthly pounding rang from the huge warehouse doors- the main ones. I however, was terrified. Whoever was outside sounded angry; not that anyone in here particularly cared. The most reaction came from the boss, who lightly swore under his breath. "Awe, shit," was all he groaned.

I screamed as an axe came through the door, followed by a few more trying to break through. This succeeded, and a whole whack of men- all mobsters as well- busted in. Most were arms with knives, bats, tire irons, and metal pipes; guns aren't really a thing with Korean gangsters unless they're super hardcore. It took me five seconds to realize that I was about to be in the middle of a gang war, and this was all before anyone said a word. Everyone around me looked ready to get down, swiftly pulling out their own weapons of choice.

The bulky bald guy wearing a yellow hoodie and a chain pointed directly at the mob boss. "There! That's the guy! The guy that pinched my Lexes last night!" Oh.... Oh no. More of the new gangsters reacted as bout as well as you'd expect to this- they were pissed! "No scuzzy old punk ass bitch gets to make a fool out of us," one new arrived proclaimed. "You don't go fraying around with our crew," another added. They were preparing to fight each other.

More was said but it's not worth repeating. Soon enough one from the new gang charged the boss and the war was on. As strange as it sounds, this had positive side effects for me. First off, the man holding onto me let me go to go join his crew in the brawl. This should have given me the opportunity to make a run for it, but there were two problems: one, I was on the opposite side of the warehouse away from the entrance, and two, the streets were crawling with mobsters and someone was bound to catch me before I could find a police station.

This brings me to my second advantage. Of course I took cover as soon I was free, ironically leading me further away from the exit. But I was out of sight, for the most part, hiding behind this large wooden crate thingy. The raddle of clashing iron, fists to skin, and bats crushing bones made the place vibrate; I had to cover my ears, it was so horrible. Another chance came to me though, when a man- one from the new gang- came flying through the air towards the back. Now I didn't see him fly but I knew he must have by the way he landed. His body hit the back wall hard and he fell down onto his back with his limbs at his sides. He let out a pained moan and slowly tilted his head to the side to see me. When he did, he looked surprised. His mouth opened but nothing came out immediately. This gave me time to assess the situation.

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