Cold cuddles

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Background information:
•shuichi and rantaro are dating
• no killing game AU
•it's winter in this fanfic!
•cover art does not belong to me!

Shuichi's POV- it was a cold December day, I was walking home trying to think of something to get rantaro for Christmas. maybe a new compus or bracelet I thought to myself. My thoughts were completely interrupted by someone putting their hand on my shoulder. I panicked a little until I seen it was my loving boyfriend,I guess he had the same idea as me.

"Rantaro? What are you doing here" I asked
"I could ask you the same thing" he said while giving out a slight chuckle

My hands were getting quite cold because of how long I had been out for, it seems rantaro noticed and then asked "do you want to wear my scarf?"
"But then you'll be cold!" I exclaimed
"No I won't" he told me
"B-but" before I could say another word he took off his scarf and gave wrapped it around me

"Cmon we're gonna go get some hot chocolate" he said as he grabbed my hand

God he's so cute... I thought to myself

Rantaro's POV- I grabbed shuichi's hand and dragged him to the nearest Tim Hortons (Canada Eh)

I ordered our drinks and looked around for shuichi, I saw him sit down at a table, patiently waiting for me to to return.

A few minutes later our drinks arrived and I brought them to the table shuichi had selected for us.

"Thank you" shuichi said as I gave him his drink

"Anytime" I replied as I started patting his hair.

His navy blue hair was soft and and untangled, I lifted up his bangs and kissed him on the forehead.

That made him quite flustered, a light pink blush spread across his face.

We finished up our drinks and I told shuichi i would drive him to our house, he took the bus earlier because he didn't want me knowing if he bought something, but since our search was over for today he could come with me.

~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip to when they're home~~~~~~~~~~

Shuichis POV- I stood behind rantaro in the darkness while I waited for him to unlock the door, the click of the door was quite reliving since it was cold outside.
I was hoping it would be a little bit warmer Inside but it wasn't.
I took off my coat and began to kind of shiver, that's when rantaro picked me up bridal style and carried me to our room. He put me in our bed turned on the heat and snuggled up to me.

We stayed like that for a little while, until we both fell asleep. Turns out the best way to end the night was with Cold cuddles....

Thank you for reading the first One-shot!
I'm sorry it's not that great!

Requests are open!!! You can comment or dm! Etc!

Wowies 494 words!

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