Family vist

540 14 5

Background Information:

None killing game AU- Shuichi lives with Kirigiri and her gf Celeste because of work

This chapter is pretty long- sorry! That's what took me so long >~<

This is based off a dream I had


Shuichi's POV- it was almost Christmas time, and me and Rantaro had decided to go visit his family during the holidays- it would be a good time for the both of us since I don't have work and he doesn't have anything planned.

I was thinking while packing my stuff when I heard a knock on my door, "come in" I called out, I then saw Celeste- my housemate's partner.

Kirigiri and Celeste were kinda like my mom's,we moved in together for work and we just kinda been living together since. I haven't really told them about Rantaro or that I sneak him in sometimes through the window ( shh no one needs to know 😳👀 ) . It's not that I don't want them to know about my relationship it's just that they would smother me with questions and be all over him- you see where the mom idea comes In place.

"Oh hey Celeste, do you need something" I asked

"Hm no I'm just wondering where your going, it's a fine evening and I thought we could all share some tea together"

"I mean it's not that I don't want to but you see uh" I stuttered

"you what?" She questioned

"I'm going over to a friends house for a couple of days and uh I have to meet them in a bit"

"What friend"

"Just Kaede" I lied

"Be safe and don't get in trouble, remember to use your manners" she reminded me

I rolled my eyes and then said "Okayyy mom"

She let out a small giggle and then closed the door

Shuichi sighed in relief thinking he got away with that one, but little did he know Celeste saw right through his lie.

Celestes POV- I closed the door after having a short chat with Shuichi, I then went to Kirigiri and we both smirked.

"He's lying isn't he"



~Time Skip to when Rantaro picks him up~

Shuichi's POV-

"Alright bye guys" he called out before closing the door to their house and began to walk over to his boyfriend's car.

Shuichi opened the door and sat down with a sigh, "Heh you made it" Rantaro remarked

"Barely" Shuichi sighed

"They really are like your parents" Rantaro chuckled before patting Shuichi on the head

"Yeah worse even" Shuichi chuckled while,Rantaro pulled out of Shuichi's driveway

" it's gonna be nice to see your family again" Shuichi said while trying to make small talk as Rantaro drove

"Yeah mom really misses you" Rantaro replied

"Oh really?"

Rantaros' mom really liked Shuichi, his whole family did.

Shuichi looked over at the Rantaro while he continued to talk, but something seemed off about him today; he just wasn't acting like the usual rantaro.

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