Mended Hearts

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"You can't have her," Aiden said loudly, stepping in front of Brynne.

The Sleeper advanced, a smile slowly forming on his face. "I've wanted to meet the new Pandavas for a while."

"You've met us plenty of times," Mini said, a growl lacing her voice.

"Forgive my choice of words. I want to know  you better." With a flick of his wrist, dark chains materialized from the darkness surrounding him.

"Let me down," Aru said quietly.

"But--" Brynne started.

"I said, let me down."

Brynne set her down gently.

"I'm afraid the family gathering won't last long," Aru said, walking forward unsteadily. Her face was still pale, but it was beautifully defiant. "We're leaving."

"So soon?" the Sleeper mused. He wrenched his other hand and Aru screamed, collapsing. Shadows rushed from her skin like water.

"Aru!" Aiden barely managed to catch her just before her head would have hit the ground. He glared at the Sleeper, a knot of hot hatred welling up inside him. "What did you do to her?"

"Reminded her of her place," the Sleeper said simply. "And it looks like you need to learn the same." 

Just as he threw the chains up in the air, an elephant bowled him over. Aiden blinked.

Four more animals charged into the cave, whinnying and roaring and making all manner of sounds. Aiden snapped out of his surprise and lifted Aru, and carrying her to the nearest celestial mount, a seven-headed white stallion. He recognized it as Uchchaihshravas. The horse whinnied as if to say, Hurry up! Beside him, Mini and Brynne mounted their vehicles.

Aiden got on, balancing Aru in front of him. "Go!" he yelled.

The animals obeyed. Aiden glanced back one last time and saw the Sleeper's shadows stirring in rage. He thought he heard a howl of fury as they weaved through the passages and soared out into open sky and freedom.


Aru awoke, heart racing. It took her a moment to realize that she was most definitely not in a cave anymore. She lay in a blinding white hospital bed. The memories of the previous day flooded into her head and she sat bolt upright--or at least, she would have if her head hadn't spun so badly. Neon stars zipped past her eyelids. She leaned back against the headboard.

"Take it easy, Shah," a familiar voice said.

Aiden sat in the only chair in the room, by her bed. He looked tired, but he smiled at her. His hair looked untidy and his clothes were slightly rumpled. "You've been out for a while."

"Hey," she managed.

"I know you might not want to talk about--what happened--"

"It'll be easier if I do it now," Aru said, staring at the ceiling. A great block of ice seemed to have settled in her stomach. She told him what had transpired in the house of the Sleeper. Not all of it. Boo's bitter betrayal was one she couldn't speak about quite yet. The jade pendant weighed cold and heavy on her neck. When she was finished, a tear slipped down her cheek, and then two, and then three.

"Do you need some time alone?" Aiden asked gently.

"No, I just need--" Love. Warmth. Aru hesitated. "Can you come over here?" She patted the space next to her on the bed.

"Um, yeah, w--"

As he settled onto the mattress, she threw her arms around him and buried her face in his shoulder. She was too exhausted to feel embarrassed. He didn't say anything, but hugged her back as if he could drive the memories from her mind.


Aru cried into his shoulder for several minutes and he let her. After a while, her breathing evened out and her arms slid from his back. Aiden gently lowered her to the bed. He looked at her for a few seconds, admiring the way the natural light made her face glow softly. Her hair, which had become longer in captivity, fanned out across the pillow. He impulsively leaned forward and brushed his lips against her forehead. "Sweet dreams, Aru."

She muttered something that sounded like, "Starbursts." He smirked and walked to the door. On his way out, he caught one last glimpse of where she lay on the bed, looking peaceful for the first time since she'd been kidnapped.

The first thing he noticed when he walked out of the room was the large curved window at the end of the hall, spilling rose-colored hues onto the beige tiling. Aiden paused. His fingers twitched to Shadowfax. Its weight was oddly comforting in his palms, as it hadn't been since Aru's disappearance. He stepped forward and saw the Otherworld furling out below the hospital, the tents of the Night Bazaar glittering like hundreds of gems. Tiny colorful ribbons curled from them like birthday streamers. The heavens glowed soft pastel colors as the molten golden coin that was the sun sank. A fine smattering of stars decorated the darker part of the sky above the clouds. His heart lightened looking at the sprawl of the place he loved. He raised Shadowfax and captured it.

Aru Shah 3.5 (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now