Imagine #9

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Two REAL updates in ONE DAY?! WHAT?! And B/G/F again means best guy friend

You and B/G/F were backstage getting ready. The whole school was going to be there,your family,and other contestants.

It was your schools annual dance competition and you ended up with B/G/F. You wanted to partner up with C/N so very bad but it wouldn't be fair to B/G/F since he'd been there for you forever; plus he had a huge crush on you.

You were nervous. Some guy just told you you'd be going on in 10. Your hair was straightened,you were wearing a nice ,light ocean blue,kneehigh dress.

You were practicing your dance moves with the air when you heard a voice.

"Y/N," C/N inhaled sharply,"you look so beautiful."

You turn around and see C/N leaning against the wall looking as gorgeous as ever.

He was wearing a black muscle shirt,blue skinny jeans,and his hair looked like he actually bothered to brush it this morning.

"I never thought I'd see the day that your hair would look brushed," you blurted out by accident.

He laughed and just looked at you with those perfectly dazzling eyes of his.

"I'll let you get away with that one love," he said as he walked away.

7 minutes were left when B/G/F came over to you. He looked nice but no where near as handsome as C/N.

"Are you ready Y/N?" B/G/F asked.

"I guess I'm just really nervous,what happens-" but you were cut off by a bunch of screams.

Before you could even process what was happening,someone pushed you over and was guarding you with their body. The person finally let you get up and helped you up.

It was C/N.

"Are you okay?" he asked worriedly.

The poor boy looked scared to death. You'd never seen that look in his eyes before.

"I'm fine," you said softly,but stern,"what happened?"

"Well," C/N said rubbing his neck," I accidentally tripped over a rope backstage that was connected to a bunch of sandbags. And of course they were right above you so when they started falling,I ran over to you and pulled you out of harm's way."

"Thank you C/N," you said.

Your eyes then went wide and you ran over back to where you standing.

People were surrounded around a few people. They let you and C/N through and you saw B/G/F laying on the floor being lifted onto a gernie.

"What happened?" you asked.

"When the bags fell,they landed on one of his legs breaking it," one of the staff members said,"he'll be fine if and once we get him to the hospital."

They then carried him out of the room. Your dance partner was injured now who would you dance with. You couldn't back down and let your family and friends down but you couldn't dance by yourself either.

"Y/N and B/G/F are going on next," some guy announced from the stage.

Oh no. You didn't know what to do. You were suppose to be on stage,right now. What were you going to do.

"Y/N," C/N whispered as he grabbed your hand," let me be your dance partner."

C/N being your dance partner. It's what you wanted in the first place. And B/G/F wasn't here to get mad at C/N. So you nodded.

C/N smiled and pulled you onto the stage with him.

"And introducing Y/N and B/G/F," the announcer announced.

C/N let go of your hand and walked over to where the announcer announced things.

"Actually due to an incident backstage," C/N said,"I C/N will be taking B/G/F place as Y/N dance partner."

He then walked back over to you and bowed like a gentleman. You rolled your eyes ,but courtseyed back at him.

He then grabbed your hand and put his hand on your waist,while you put a hand on his shoulder.

You two then began to dance as if no one was watching. You two were fire and ice. Polar opposites but attracted. As you two were dancing,C/N started dancing and said a few things that made you realize that the sandbag accident wasn't so much as an accident as on purpose.

"Sorry,I just don't like the way he looks at you," C/N said,possesively,"Only I can look at you that way."

"Only you can?" you said,smiling at him.

"Yes only me love,"he said as he kissed you,finishing the dance.

"Only me my love," he mumbled into your ear as the crowd applauded.

Okay so maybe this one isn't as realistic as the rest but oh well it was good you loved it,don't lie. I hope you guys liked it and I was cleaning my room since i stayed home due to my sickness,and I came across this journal that was blank excpet for a few pages in the middle of the book. And those pages were about this Crush Imagine right here. That's right! 4th grade little me was writing at that age. I totally forgot I wrote this. Just had to change the names,and add an ending but that's it. Oh and the dress is what you wore in this Crush Imagine. Bye!

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