Imagine #12

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You were begging C/N to tell you where he was taking you.

"C'mon just tell me C/N," you said as he put his hand on the small of your back.

"Nope," he said, popping the p,"That's the point of a surprise. I'm not suppose to tell you anything genius."

"Ugh fine," you said groaning,"I hope you know you suck sometimes."

You could feel him open a door. As soon as you walked into the room,your senses started going insane.

You could hear people chatting. Feel the comfort in the air. Couldn't taste anything. Was currently not able to see at the moment. You ould smelt coffee and the scent of new books.

Did he really? He brought you here? Why?

And answering your questions,he took your blindfold off. You gasped and then a giant grin broke from your face.

"You brought me here?" you ask C/N ,gaping at the scene before you.

"Of course I did," he said," you've been talking about how you haven't been able to get away from your house for a while so I brought you here. I know Barnes and Nobles is one of your favorite places so I brought you here."

You didn't know what to do,you didn't know what to say.

You just grabbed C/N by the hand and guided him to your book section. He was chucking the whole time.

"Okay we need this one and that one oh obviously I need this one," you said ,pointing at a bunch of different books that C/N grabbed for you.

"Gosh you're just so adorable," C/N said putting the books on a nearby table,"I can't take it anymore,Y/N."

You didn't know what he was talking about as he walked towards you. C/N was now in front of you.

"C/N," you said,"what's wrong? Did I do something wrong? Am I picking out too many books?"

"No,you my love," C/N said wrapping his arms around you,"did absolutely nothing wrong. I just can't keep on ignoring my feelings forever."

You gave him a puzzled look before he did something you thought he would never do.

C/N leaned down and kissed you! He didn't even kiss you softly,he wanted you. He tried to pick you up ,but you wouldn't let him. You two were at a bookstore. The bookstore!

As soon as you two pulled away,you heard clapping. You two looked around and saw people clapping for you two. Being the dorks you are,you both took a bow.

As the crowd started to disappear,C/N put your hand in his.

"We're like Augustus and Hazel from The Fault in Our Stars," he said,"they clapped for us!"

He was smiling like he just won the lottery,so you kissed him again.

You pulled away.                                                  

"You're such a dork but you're my dork," you said as you grabbed the books he set down,"now,let's go explore this wonderful place you have brought me to."

You two both headed off to go find some more books. But you couldn't concentrate because your lips were still numb from kissing C/N.

Since yesterday was V-Day,i'll post a lot today. Happy Day After V-Day!

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