janiel | purple

675 20 32

and when you're blue, i'm red,
i wanna kiss your neck
and make you purple all over.
— janiel

kisses. oh how much jack loved kisses. whether giving or receiving, on the lips or on the cheek, he absolutely loved the affection. the tingle feeling that submerged his pink lips, the rush of adrenaline, it all made him so happy.

and random kisses, oh much he enjoyed those. simply turning around and feeling lips against his made a wave of excitement course through his body.

or maybe it was someone showering him with kisses. a lover pressing their lips all over his body, whispering sweet words against the flesh. ah, that's what jack dreamed of.

of course daniel was aware of all of this, being his boyfriend and all. these are all of the cute little ways to show jack how much he loved him. the wavy haired brunet had always been easy to please, and that worked well with daniel since he had never been able to express his romantic feelings properly.

he was great at flirting yes, but when it came to showing someone just how much he loved them, it was a bit difficult for him.

and it just so happened to be that on this particular saturday, kisses were all jack craved. no matter what, it was the only thing running through his mind. from when he was eating breakfast to aimlessly strolling through netflix, he just couldn't get the feeling of daniels lips upon his own out of his mind. and so, he immediately texted his boy in attempts to resolve the issue at hand.

Jacky Baby🖤


i have a problem helloooo

Hi love whats wrong

Jacky Baby🖤
i miss you

and i want kisses

just a little kissy

Ur so cute

I'm still at baseball practice but I
promise promise I'll be done in 45

I can bring lunch if u want

Jacky Baby🖤
omg yayyy

i expect you to be here in precisely
one hour i miss you so bad😠

I'll be over asap baby I promise

Ok I love you but I have to go

Bye bye baby🖤

Jacky Baby🖤
byeee do great and have fun and be

Jacky Baby🖤
i love you sooo much

Love you more

daniel put his phone back into his bat bag with a smile, getting his helmet on and walking up to home base. he had a stupid grin on his face all throughout the rest of practice. just thinking about his lover made the corners of his lips bring themselves up unconsciously. the half blond barely being able to concentrate as the small brunet clouded his mind.

jack meant everything to him, to put it simply. to him, jack was the perfect person. he was absolutely gorgeous, with a small body structure and a pretty face; his smile seeming to shine so bright in a world so dark, his personality being overwhelmingly friendly and bubbly. ah, just thinking about him made daniels mind cloud. he was like an addiction, but one that was only ever beneficial.

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