Chapter 1: The Hunt

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Hey Guys ! I wrote this story a while back, maybe some of you who still follow me might remember. I hit a major writers block and I just couldn't seem to know how to end it.  I will be posting chapters weekly and please leave a comment to tell me what you think! xox

Sebastian Night P.O.V

We sat at the VIP section in the club, that was upstairs overlooking the club's dancefloor. The horrendous music throbbing and insulting my ears. I look down at the red wine, swishing the red liquid on the edges of the glass. It almost looked like fresh blood. My stomach growled, as I sipped the smooth cool drink.

I mean it's no Chateau, but it'll do.

I look at my brothers sitting opposite me on the black leather chair. As per usual, Ben was completely disinterested on we're we were, his headphones on and leaning against the chair staring down at his phone.

Hunter, his loosely buttoned white top, the sleeves rolled up to his forearms and his Italian shoes lazily on the stained coffee table between us. One hand held a large Cuban cigar and the other hand held a whiskey glass filled with blood. At least I have some discretion, although it is dark enough for no human to know what he is truly drinking.

''Honestly Hunter why this place? It's hardly the place that should even be graced with our presence'' I say, in disgust as I look down at all the human's sweaty bodies dancing to the rhythm of the music.

Hunter takes a deep inhale of his cigar and exhales the cloud of smoke slowly in my direction '' we went to your stupid opera last night and did we find our pets? No. Of course not, because this is, where all the young girls go now a days'' he scoffed.

I gritted my teeth ''well I thought I found mine! Until you ripped her throat out backstage'' I huffed in frustration.

He shrugged ''her voice was so irritating. I didn't want to have to listen to that allllll the time back at home'' he complained.

I sigh in defeat ''she was an opera singer Hunter, the voice of an angle''. I would have loved to fall asleep to the sweet sound of Puccini, taking me back to the good all days. I look over to the empty seat, we're our eldest brother would have sat ''Dimitri could have least taken some kind small interest'' I say in disappointment, our forever absent older brother.

''He doesn't want to join you two's hunt. He has better stuff to do. I should be back home with him'' Ben remarked, quietly not looking up from his phone.

Hunter yanks the phone out of Ben's grip, receiving a deathly glare from Ben '' well you didn't have much of choice little bro. Plus its about time you get yourself a pet'' Hunters devilish grin spreads across his face and leaps up, gesturing his hand to the crowed of humans below us ''take your pick buddy, look at all those pretty girls!''

Ben shrugs, leaning his head on his hand, his arm resting on the arm rest of the chair. He's bored.

Suddenly our heads shot up in the same direction. An intoxicating smell reaching all our senses. Sweet peach and jasmine. It was glories, delicious. Like nothing I have ever smelt in all my existence. My stomached ached, making me hungrier than ever before. My mouth watering and I could feel my fangs elongate unwillingly.

A girl walked into the club. Her hair in long thick waves of auburn, her dark eyelashes surrounded the most beautiful pair of emerald colored eyes. She wore a dark green sequined tight dress, revealing the shape of her perfectly curved body. Her skin like pure cream, glistening under the light lit club, the changing colures of the lights bouncing off her. She looked like a goddess. Irresistible.

''Mine'' we all say at once in a predatory hungry way, even Ben.

Well doesn't this complicate things. 

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