Chapter 3

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Eve P.O.V

The guns weight feels heavy in my small hands, I struggle to keep it lifted in a straight position. The barrel pointed at the target. I take a deep breath, focusing my eyes on the red bull's eye ahead me.

My mind is quiet, my breathing is calm. I pull the trigger.

Before I could even blink the bullet had already hit the target right in the middle, just where I wanted it to go. I sigh at dad, looking at his proud expression towards me ''you know normal teenage girls go pony riding or I don't know shopping with their dads.... Not go to the shooting range'' I say in light humorous voice.

He chuckles deeply, taking the gun from my hands and replacing it with a bow an arrow. I preferred shooting arrows then guns. There was something dangerously beautiful about this weapon, an ancient art form that I find completely alluring and fascinating. Graceful and deadly all at once.

''well I can't have my little girl going out there in the big bad world without knowing some kind of defense'' He says, his broad figure leaning against the tool. Sharpening the arrow heads, in his large rough callused working hands. He always reminded me of a mountain, larger than life and had a sense of calmness to him that made you feel like the safest person in the world.

I scoff at him ''Some kind of defense?'' I said sarcastically. When I was at the age of ten, I already knew judo, knife throwing, guns and arrows. I wouldn't call that just a little amount of knowledge of self-defenses.

He looks up at me, his beard and hair peppered with silver. His familiar hazel eyes look deep into mine, no humor behind his gaze ''Eve. There is evil in this world. Never let your guard down and always be prepared'' he says sternly resting his large hand on my small shoulder ''it helps me to know you know how to protect yourself'' he says softly.

Ever since we lost my mother, his overprotective nature exacerbated over time. He was always so cautious with me, drilling into my head how the world isn't safe. But I had him. He'll always protect me know matter what.....

I feel a cold wet tear run down my cheek, awaking slowly from my dream. The familiar memory of my dad, slowly fading away like a ghost as I come back to reality. I stretch out my legs and arms, enjoying the sensation of the most glories silk sheets I have ever felt. The smell of jasmine and lavender filling my nose, the sing songbirds outside. I laid like that for moment, enjoying new sensations around me. letting myself slowly wake up.

Weird I don't remember owning silk sheets.....

Suddenly last nights events flash through my groggy brain.

The club.

Three beautiful men.


My eyes snap open and I sit stiffly up so fast I almost give myself whiplash.

I'm in strangers' bed. In a stranger's bedroom.

The dark wooden four posted king size bed, A large window with dark blue hanging curtains. It was light outside; a massive oak tree surrounded the lush green scenery. It almost looked like a perfect scenic painting. There were no houses I could see, only land and further out thick forests. The way the window was positioned and overlooking the trees, it would be way too high for me to jump out off. The room was ridiculously large, I could see it had an attached bathroom and walk in wardrobe.

I sit there frozen taking in my surroundings, looking at the bedside tables if there was some kind of weapon I could use or at least try and make one. The draws were completely empty.

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