Chapter 5

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Eve P.O.V

While Robin tidied my room, going to the bathroom straightening the fresh towels. I quickly took the small fork from the food tray. Tucking it under my sleeve.

She took the tray away from me, not seeming to notice the missing utensil and said she'll be back for dinner. I waited for a few moments after she closed and locked the bedroom door behind her, listening as her footsteps were well and truly away from the door. I get out from the bed, change into black jeans and a black turtleneck. Placing the fork in my back pocket and trying up my hair. Finding boots in the cupboard and searching through the bathroom for a bobby pin.

They seem to have designed this bedroom for a girl, everything thought out to make it as comfortable for me as possible. I ruffle through the bathroom draws, pushing away hairbrush, toothbrushes, creams and finally a little container of bobby pins. I grabbed two and as I was leaving the bathroom, I pause at the hanging up belts, one was a thin gold chain.

That might come in handy. I grab that as well, wrapping it around my wrist tightly.

I lean down by the door; I place the two bobby pins inside the large iron lock. I twist.

''come on'' I mutter myself, willing the pins to unlock the door.

Finally, I hear the satisfying click.

I press my ear against the door, listening quietly to see if anyone was coming. I carefully open the door, placing the bobby pin in my ponytail just in case I need to pick another door later. I look down the two empty dark hallways.

Left or right?

I have no idea how I came into this place and there were no windows in the hallway to gage where abouts the sun was facing the building. I took the chance, listening to my gut to go right.

I follow the hallway quietly, until I reach a staircase. I descend, being careful not make any creaking sounds against the old wooden floors. This place was huge, like a castle. I look at old portrait paintings hung on the dark walls, they looked like they were paintings in the 18th century, possibly older, of beautiful women and men.

I finally reach the bottom of the stairs case into a large ball room. It was breath takingly beautiful, but I didn't spend long to admire it, I stay close to the golden walls. I hear footsteps coming by, I quickly hide behind a white naked statue of a woman that had a snake wrapped around her body, beside her were two tall vases with lush green ferns inside, it hid me completely. I crouched down as I hear two male voices echo into the large room. I held my breath, digging my fingernails into my skin.

''I hear Dimitri is back from his meetings overseas'' says one tall lanky man.

''I can't believe he's going to be king in the few weeks'' the other man replies. His voice sounding unsure.

''yeah I know, the guy is terrifying'' says the taller male '' but he'll be good king but.... hey can you smell that?'' they both stop a few meters away from me. They both inhale deeply, tilting their heads up and their fangs elongated over their lips.

There is no way they could smell me?

''god that smells incredible'' the smaller one growls, still sniffing the air and eyes closed, his head tilting in my direction. They both steps slowly in my direction, they were getting so close I could make out now the small details on their shoes.

''maybe the smell has drifted from the feeding room?'' the taller one remarks, his head gesturing towards the hallway from the left of me ''I'm starving, I need to go eat'' he says, placing a hand on his stomach. Walking past in the direction of the hallway, he pauses ''you coming?'' he asks his shorter companion who still stood close to where I crouched behind the statue.

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