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Lisa's pov

I'm now here at my room laying on my bed and staring at the ceiling thinking about the kitten.Is she asleep?

After spacing out I decided to take a shower and change into comfortable clothes, I wore a white and a pair of sweat pants. After drying my hair, I saw the balcony of my room and went there for fresh air.

I leaned in the railings while watching the moon.I shivered because of the cold breeze. After a while, my eyes catch on someone. no, not just someone, it's her, it's jennie.

She is sitting on the sand near the shore while looking at the sea. She seems sad and lonely. Why is she there? without company? where's jisoo? I asked myself.

After looking at her from afar, I grab my jacket and decided to go out using the back door because I don't want others to see me walking outside.

I feel nervous while I'm on my way to approach her. you can do it lisa, act normal, don't be nervous you're cute. I cheered up myself to lessen my nervousness.

I cleared my throat before speaking .
"penny for your thoughts?" I spoke getting her attention and sat beside her without looking at her.

"I know we are not close but,you can count on me, I'm here listen"I added when she didn't respond.

"I'm lisa by the way" extending my hand.

"i know" she replied shortly without taking my hand for handshake.

"what are you doing here?" I asked.

"none of your business" she's colder than the wind.

"I'm just trying to talk to you"

"i don't want to talk to you" she replied.

"you're just talking to me right now" i said and she just rolled her eyes at me.

"okay fine, I will be quiet and just accompany you here" i stated.

After an awkward silence, I glanced at her and she's hugging herself because of coldness. I thought you're colder that the weather, aisshh you cute kitten.
I removed my jacket and moved closer to her to lend it to her.

"here, wear this" i said motioning my jacket when she's just staring at me confusedly while raising her left brow.

"i don't need that" she said straightening her posture.

I moved more closer "don't be stubborn and wear this, I don't want you to catch cold" i said while putting my jacket around her. I can smell her sweet perfume because of our closeness so I moved myself a little to distance our face.

Her gaze went back to the sea and we both sat in silence only the sound of the waves can be heard.

After a long moment of silence, I stood up and said. "I will go inside"

"you should go inside too, it's late" I continued whe she didn't respond.

"later" she replied.

"don't stay up late, it's getting colder" i said before walking away.

When I'm few meters away from her I stopped and spoke. "goodnight jennie"

"night" i heard her before continuing my tracks.

When I reached my room, I went again to the balcony to check her but she's not there anymore. I felt relieved that she went inside because I don't want her to stay there longer.

I lay on my bed thinking about her. I want to know more about her. Someday you will open up with me jennie, I won't give up.
I thought before closing my eyes to go to my dreamland.

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