Chapter One: The Royal Family of House Atreides

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Wasteland of the Empire, and the most valuable planet of the universe,

Because it is here and only here where Spice is found.

The spice.

Without it, there is no commerce in the Empire.

There is no civilization.



Home of the Spice.

The Greatest Treasure in the universe.

And he who controls it controls our destiny.

A young woman laid on the ground, tossing and turning as she was seeing a planet, a dry desert planet in her dreams.

On this planet, she saw wars, people of the sands fighting the Harkonnen soldiers as both sides were losing people.

Then a boy, with blue eyes that glowed, stepping out of the shadows and glares down at her, holding her tightly in her arms.

She whimpers as she saw people were fighting and dying for freedom, fighting to free their home, but the Harkonnen's men wanted to control the planet and its spice.

A name of a man of Prophet, his name repeats over and over, chanted even by millions.

Muad'Dib. Muad'Dib. Muad'Dib.

So many innocent people were being murdered for such spice. 

But then she saw her father, the duke of Atreides, slowly turns to her, he held his arms to his sides, she screams. 

No sound came as she ran towards her father, tears in her eyes and he slowly turns to a skeleton, she catches him, only to have his skeleton wither and collapses into nothing.


Jumping awake a woman from her nap on the floor of her room, she shot up from the spreadsheets on the ground "Father!" she screams, panting heavily as she found herself in her room aboard the spaceport, Lady Elizabeth Atreides, adopted daughter of the House Atreides.

Duke Leto of the Atreides House took her in at infancy as the Bene Gesserit were going put her down. The young Duchess of the house was preborn, a child awakened from within the womb, more connected to their genetic memories stored away in their bodies. The Duke saved her from such death and raise her alongside her brother, Paul Atreides.

From infancy to late teens, Lady Elizabeth grew bright and too clever for her own good, sometimes, even trained alongside her brother in the art of blades. She loves both her parents dearly, but the only person she talks most to, hold more dear to her heart and treasures like a gem was her older brother, Paul.

Sharing all her ideas and thoughts. Speaking secrets between them, They bond strong and deep, despite having no blood relations with each other, Lady Elizabeth would conquer the Empire if it means saving her family.

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