Chapter 5: Calm Night before the Storm

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3 mouths Later...

The moon sat just beyond the mountains. Paul and Leto sat in the opening, Paul looks at his father, seeing how exhausted he was. "You're tired father," he tells him.

Leto just sighs to himself and looks at his son, "Yes, I am tired. The degeneration of Great House has worn me out." he tells him, "Our house hasn't degenerated." Paul assures him. But Leto looks right back at him "Hasn't it? Your assassin didn't arrive here without help." he informs her.

Paul looks away momentarily, "Who could you suspect?" he asks him and Leto inhales. "I can only suspect. I can't prove, and there's suspicion enough to go around," he answers him, Paul scoffs at the idea. "It can't be Gurney," he states, knowing there was no way Gurney would betray him. "If it wasn't for your sister, Gurney would have killed him and he knew your assassin would be more valuable alive," Leto informs him.

But Paul shook his head, "Gurney's impulsive, father. He doesn't have that kind of cunning." he assures him. The thought of Gurney betraying the house Atreides doesn't strike him as... odd. But Leto kept his frown. Apart of him wanted to believe Gurney would never do that to him, but the other part. It couldn't afford in taking chances with anyone. "Nor Yueh's intelligence," he states, Paul shook his head again, still refusing. "Surely not Yueh? The Suk conditioning would drive him mad first." he points out a positive possibility it couldn't be him. "Never let sentiment could your judgment, son. There is someone." Leto warns him.

Stiffly sitting up, a sour frown wore his face at his father's words. "Sooner or later you must face whoever it is," he tells him. Paul was stun, This is the workings of an empire's functions. "So this is out it works. They sow the seeds of distrust and get us to fear each other," he said to him. Leto sighs, proud, but ashamed he stood up and folds his hands to his back, walking towards the window. "Learn this lesson well, son. If you want to hold Arrakis, you must be prepared to fight fear with fear. Fear and power." he tells him and he stood tall, like a wall crack and withering. Paul was going to take his place someday.

He had to learn the lessons of the rulings of a Great House. The clicking of heels followed with the lighting of the ballroom below, the lively chatter of distant conversations brought their attention away from the conversation but looking on the hall. The Lady Jessica, dressed in her ritual Gesserit blue dress robes, her hair brushed back into a mid-braid and waterfall down.

Lady Elizabeth Atreides wore long off the shoulders drapes dress colored of the Atreides royal house color green, golden dress accessories that hung from the top of her abdomen to her waist, longhand gloves of the royal green. Bangs of her hair wiped right into a tight ringlet, her hair braided into three parts and adorned with white sea pearls and a blue gem hair accessory hung just perfectly on her forehead and from her dress accessories hung a see-through shawl.

Leto smiles at them

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Leto smiles at them. Paul stood to his feet as Elizabeth smiles at him. Jessica looks out at the party below and looks back at her Duke. "That our cue," she said to them, Leto walks up next to Jessica, she took his arms into hers and they walk away. Paul exhales as he looks away, angered by his father's words. "Paul," Elizabeth calls out to him.

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