Chapter 6: Fall of House Atreides

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Muad'Dib... Muad'Dib... Muad'Dib...

Armeria pesudarmeria... Armeria pesudarmeria... Armeria pesudarmeria...

The strange cloak people of the sands chants the names so clearly as the morph sands held the face once more.

The sand ripples away allowing the ocean of blood to fade everything away, Leto Atreides face emerges from the ocean of blood.

The ocean rippled away to the royal room of the Palace of Arrakis, Leto submerges into shadow.

The sound of a bomb went off, waking him from his slumber, he sat up and saw his father standing in front of him. The fear and terror grips at him as he saw his father, he sat forward in his bed. "Father?" he calls out.

The light shines down on Leto Atreides as he looks right at his son, numbed expression shone on his face then slowly was consumed in the bright white ocean light. Tears well up in his eyes, his words choked his throat as his father was consumed in light and ripples away into nothing.

Then he realizes, he was awake. He was awake and his nightmare stood right in front of him. Choking on whimpers, Paul pulls his hand to his head, gasping in terror. His bed suddenly dips and he looks over, Elizabeth is sitting right next to him, gripping his face as tears were in her eyes as well. "I know. I know." she whimpers.

 Paul looks at her as he broke into tears, laying his head on her shoulder, Elizabeth immediately wraps her arms tightly around him, holding him close to her, he whimpers and cries in her arms

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Paul looks at her as he broke into tears, laying his head on her shoulder, Elizabeth immediately wraps her arms tightly around him, holding him close to her, he whimpers and cries in her arms. Elizabeth lets out a shuttered breath as she squeezes her eyes tightly and pressed her forehead against the back of his neck.

Something was wrong with them, they know it and they were terrified of it.


Stepping into his office, Leto stopped men waiting for him, "Duncan?" he calls out, turning to his voice, Duncan looks at him and immediately steps towards him, "Forgive the abrupt arrival, my lord." Duncan apologizes, but Leto grips his arm right as a brother and smiles at him. "But we've taken a force of Harkonnen infiltrators," he warns him.

Leto took his arm away and looks at him as Thufir stood next to Leto, "The Fremen found them in a cave of the shield mountains. One of the Fremen, Turok, was badly wounded. I brought him here for treatment..." he informs him "But he has died." one of the Fremen calls out, getting their attention.

A man steps out, his face hardens and grim as he stood before Duke Leto "This is Stilgar, my Lord, the leader of Turok's tribe." Duncan informs him and Leto turns his attention back onto Stilgar. "We have heard many in the desert about Leto Atreides," Stilgar informs him.

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