Chapter 2: Arrakis Home of The Spice.

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Entering the system of Arrakis, the royal family of House Atreides embarks to the surface of the desert planet.

But at the Palace of Arrakis, Duke Leto Atreides himself looks out at the thopters as they flew over the city. A royal guard carefully steps up behind him, "My son always said you have a feline grace as my daughter would say you were born in the shadows to move so shiftily, Duncan." Leto calls out to him.

Duncan smiles at his Duke. "I didn't want to startle you, my lord." he apologizes, Leto turns and walks towards him. Holding a file in his hand. "Latest immigration reports," he states, offering the file to him, Duncan took it and looks over it. Then looks back at his Duke. "We fear out regime will be as bad as the Harkonnens," Duncan tells him.

Leto nods at him, "We're losing too many. Spice hunters, Drivers, weather scanners. Dune men we'll need." he tells him, Duncan closes the file, "Should I persuade some men to stay?" he asks of him. "No. I have something more important for you to do." Leto answers, then turn back to the window. "I want you to go, into the desert," he informs him.

Duncan looks at him in surprise, "The Fremen?" he asks and Leto turns right back to him. "I've been reports of hundreds, thousands in villages, what they call Sietches," he states walking towards the window, looking out at the horizon of the stone mountains. "Into the deep deserts, beyond the mountains." he informs him, Duncan walks up next to him, "The Harkonnen's men sneered the desert people, hunted them for sport. I doubt they'll expect anything from us." Duncan warns him of the possible danger.

But Leto was not swayed from such a thought "Then we have to change that." he said, Duncan shot a look over at him. "We're going to need allies here, Duncan. I want you to seek out their leader. This... Liet. I keep hearing about." he tells him, "A phantom." Duncan said, turning back to him. "He may not even exist. Could there be any different men," he warns him, but Leto was still prescient. "Find out," he tells him, Duncan nods and handed the file back to him. "Negotiate patience, so I can demonstrate our good intentions with deed by you," he orders him and Duncan bows his head to him. "You honor me, sir," he tells him.

Leto nods at him "I'm in danger here and I know it, but you're the only one I can trust with this." he informs him and Duncan smiles at him.


Riding in the taxi carriage, "Such a dusty little garrison town." Lady Jessica states, Dr. Yueh looks at her, "Such a testament of the harsh climate of the place." he informs her.

She nods at him then looks back out the window and saw the people were gathering around a man as he calls out to them, pouring them water. "What's he doing?" she questions, watching as they pass by. "Water seller, my Lady. You need never bother the likes of them. The system in the palace holds over 50,000 gallons and it's always kept full." he tells her.

Paul looks out at the people as they all had bright blue glowing eyes, Elizabeth pulls at her neck cuff trying to loosen it. "Elizabeth, stop pulling at it. You're the daughter of the Duke Atreides." Lady Jessica tells her. Elizabeth sighs, pulling her hand away, "Why must they make these clothing so suffocating?" she questions.

 Elizabeth sighs, pulling her hand away, "Why must they make these clothing so suffocating?" she questions

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