Chapter 7: Only I will Remain

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Sitting in the desert, miles from any signs of civilization, Elizabeth looks at the horizon, dressed in her casual wear, a loose blue shirt, belt, and knee-long pants. "The mighty falls, joining the line of great kings and Dukes. And the snake usurps the throne and corruption rules once more," she said as she felt the change in the wind. Paul looks at her, and she looks back at her brother, seeing the same look in his.

Exhaling to herself, Elizabeth closes her eyes, and a tear escape and trickles down her cheek

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Exhaling to herself, Elizabeth closes her eyes, and a tear escape and trickles down her cheek. Then Jessica groans in her sleep, trying to brush back the hands that touch her. Elizabeth looks down at her mother who slept on her lap, brushing back her hair. "Mother. Mother, wake up," she calls out to her, gripping her shoulder.

Jessica jumps awake, gripping her arm and looks up at her children before her. Exhaling with relief as Paul grips her shoulder and she looks up at him, with a breath of relief she kisses his hand. "He's dead," he tells her. Jessica immediately sits up, turns to her children, and immediately takes them into her arms, holding them tightly.

But Paul pulls back and looks at her, "Father's dead." he tells her. She looks at him, the shock reeling in. Jessica lowers her head. Covering her mouth as she weeps, Elizabeth rubs her back, comforting her mother. Paul then looks at her and shifts to sitting on his knees. "What are you doing?" Jessica questions, gripping his hands. Elizabeth immediately stood to her feet and picks up her mother's cloak. "We won't survive longer than a few hours in the open, we have to find shelter," Paul tells her as he pulls her to her feet. "But Harkonnen patrols. Worms," she warns him.

Elizabeth walks up next to them and places the cloak on her mother's shoulder. "We have to take our chances," Paul tells her, Jessica sighs as she lowers her head momentarily. Then she raises his gently stroking her son's face, then looks back at Elizabeth, brushing back her hair. And steps away. Elizabeth steps next to her brother, the sand brushes against her feet. "It will be miles before we can find any signs of shelter." she tells him, he looks at her and nods, "Maybe," he states then looks out at the horizon before him.


Walking through the desert hills, the remaining Atreides wandered aimlessly, nowhere to go, no one to trust and to help. Elizabeth brushes her feet against the sands as she steps forward. "How long before we starve to death?" she asks them. "A few days, mostly," Paul answers her.

Elizabeth chuckles to herself, "You think the Carrison eaters will find us before we do?" she asks him, Paul chuckles at her, "Not sure yet." he answers. Slowing in her steps, something was off about the wind, turning as she looks over at the dunes behind them.

She saw a shadow appear from a distant dune, "Paul." she calls out, he and Jessica stop looks at her and at the shadow she was looking at. Jessica shields her eyes and saw it was a thopter. "One of ours." she states, Paul, shook his head, "We can't take the chance. It could be Harkonnen, come to finish the job." Paul warns her, then took Elizabeth's hand as the three ran for it.

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