Chapter 3: Sandworms of Arrakis

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2 mouths Later...

Duke Leto went to the hanger bay, dressed and suited for the trip, along with a handful of his men and the Atreides heirs went him. "Only half of the sand crawlers are operable, but we'll have most of the ornithopter working soon. That is a harvester-factory, we have about a thousand." Thufir informs Leto.

As he looks up at the machine factory, he then steps up next to the thopter "As big as she is, there are worms in the deep desert, that could swallow one of these things whole." Toopher informs Gunnery. Paul turns to them as Elizabeth grins to herself. "Why don't we use shields?" Paul asks him. "Shields are useless in the desert." a man calls out.

They looked over and saw blue eyes looking back at them in the door, "Even a simple body shield will call every worm within 100 km. It drives them into a killing frenzy." the man informs him, walking towards Duke Leto "The Imperial Ecologist, my lord, Dr. Kynes." Thufir introduces him. "We prefer the term, planetologist." Dr. Kynes informs him.

Leto took a step closer towards him, "I understand we have you to thank for our stillsuits." he tells him. Dr. Kynes smiles "I hope they fit well." he states and looks down at Leto's suit. "This is basically a high-efficiency filter and heat exchange system. The skin layer porous. Perspiration passes through heat filament and salt precipitator. Water is reclaimed in catch pockets, which you can draw from this tube. Properly adjusted, water loss is kept under 15 ml per day." he said, going over the design of the suit.

Paul then steps forward, Elizabeth rolls her eyes and followed in suit. "That's hardly measurable," he argues with him. "That's the point." Dr. Kynes states, turning to the two and immediately looks at their suits, seeing that they were a perfect fit. He turns to them, looking over Paul's suit. As they were staring right at his eyes. "You're eyes..." Elizabeth mutters.

Dr. Kynes shot a look at her, "You're a Fremen." Paul states and Dr. Kynes looks back at him. "I am accepted in both Sietch and village. But I am in the Emperor's employ." he informs him then looks over at Elizabeth's suit, "You've worn a stillsuit before?" he asks them. "This is the first time," Paul answers him. Dr. Kynes' eyes flick between the two. "Both of you?" he asks, Elizabeth nods at him.

Leto circles them, watching the exchange, "Someone adjusted it for you

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Leto circles them, watching the exchange, "Someone adjusted it for you." Dr. Kynes states, but Elizabeth shook her head. "No, it just seems the right way to put it on, that's all," Paul informs him. Dr. Kynes looks right at the two. Inhaling and pulls back on a smile. "Well then, the desert awaits," he said to Leto and walks off. The men gather to the thopter. Leto looks back at his children momentarily the joins the others. Paul shared a look with Elizabeth and they hurried after the others.


Flying over the desert sea, and the mountains the thopter fly on a steady line, Leto flying the thopter "Maintain 120 degrees southeast, my lord." Dr. Kynes instructs him. "Set," he states, toggling the switches. "That's where the sandmaster is concentrating his equipment." Dr. Kynes informs him. "How many men are there on a mining crew?" Leto asks him.

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