Chapter 5

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                  Ian's POV

   I walk to my room thinking about seto, his looks, his voice. I had a crush on him, no doubt, but crushes go away if you don't pay attention to them... right? I feel like I'm falling in love with him, ths more I get to know him, so I'm guessing THIS, whatever it is, won't go away.

    I lay down in my bed thinking if the others would except him into  our team and what was ty and sky doing out so late? I sigh as more questions pop into my mind until a sad question popped in my mind. Will HE except me for who I am and love me, or hurt me like the others did? After that I didn't want to think anymore, and soon I didn't and sleep took over my worries and doubts.

Sorry it's soooooo short, but I've been trying soo hard to balance this out.
               ~ Nerdy

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