Chapter 5

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I saw a light flash across my eyes, and I woke up, my head on Jack chest. I pushed myself off of him before he woke up and saw me. Kim was sleeping on his other side. I slipped away unnoticed, and flew off to the lagoon where I knew the mermaids were pretty to watch swim around. Also stay clear from them, they will drown you if they get the chance. I landed on a tree near the lagoon, and watched the mermaids splash each other, swim around, and jump into the air just to fall back in the water. They were so beautiful, but so aggressive.

I felt drawn to them the more I watched. It was hard to resist them, and I was using all my will power to stay away. It was getting harder than ever, and I should have left when I could. I was compelled to stay, I couldn't move. All my thoughts were missing, it felt like my mind was blank. I couldn't think, and I saw myself floating lower and lower towards the lagoon. I landed close to the edge of the lagoon, and I stared right into the mermaid's eyes. She swam closer to me. "Lily!" It sounded like a whisper in the back of my head, and it was easy to ignore. The mermaid took hold of my hand, and slowly placed it into the water. The water was crystal clear, and felt so smooth against my skin.

I felt her pull me more and more into the water, but as much as I wanted to get away, I couldn't. The water was all the way to my shoulder now, and I knew that if I didn't do something soon, I would be at the bottom of the lagoon. I felt a hand land on my shoulder, and when I tried to turn around to see who it was, the mermaid pulled me into the water. It wasn't cold or hot, but just right. I took a deep breath for I knew what was to happen next. I broke out of the trans, I was underwater. My sight was blurry, and I couldn't see her very clearly. That's probably why I was out of the trans they put me in. 

My leg still not working for me, I tried to swim for the surface of the lagoon, but my leg wasn't working I was just moving upward inch by inch. At the rate I was going, I was going to drown here like the night back a home. I was ready to just give up, when I felt someone's arms wrap around my waist, and start pulling me up. I tried to help the person that was half dragging me back up to the surface. Once I could feel the cool air breeze through my hair, I took a breath. I looked around, I was on a tree above the lagoon. "Lily," I heard a voice say. I turned my head in the direction I heard the voice coming from. "You were the one who created this story, you should have known to stay away from them!" he yelled.

My emotions were all over the place, and being yelled at was just making things worse for me. I wanted to just go home. "Is this how you reacted when Wendy said she loved you?" I contradicted. His facial features were grave, but I didn't care right now. I was frustrated and mad. I knew I shouldn't have done what I did, but I didn't want to admit I did something wrong. Not now, and not to him at the moment. I wasn't filled with the happy thoughts I was supposed to have to fly back to the tree I call home, so I started to walk away. My question was never answered, but neither was his. We all had our secrets, and we all needed to keep them to ourselves.

Walking away was hard for me, I never enjoy hurting people. Especially the way I probably just hurt Peter, but I just could control myself. This is the first time this has ever happened to me, and since it's new, I can't control it. I decided to walk away from the others, and that only meant to go closer to Hook's ship. I knew what he did to Wendy that night she told Peter she loved him, but I didn't think he'd need me to be his accomplice as well. I kept walking in the same direction never turning back to see if Peter of anyone else was following me. The sky was a light blue, and the beautiful shapes the clouds made were captivating, but not enough to free me from such a state of mind I was focusing hard to get out of. Every thought I had was negative, and I was willing to just fly back home the moment my thoughts were happy again. Jack and Kim could stay, but I needed to leave.

As I was walking, I wasn't paying any attention to my surroundings, for if I had; I would have seen the band of pirates trying to surround me. I should have been focused on where I was and what I was doing but I wasn't. I only came back to Earth when I saw a large black tarp fall on top of me. "Let me go," I said. Trying my best to get out out of the tarp that they had wrapped around me. We were moving, but I didn't know where. I could hear the waves crashing against the shore more clearly now, but it was still hard through the tarp. Once the footsteps stopped, I was dropped to the floor. I climbed out of the tarp, and looked around.

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