Chapter 8

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"...wake up! Lily, wake up!" I heard someone screaming, though it seemed so far away from me. I still felt weak, but I was able to sit up. I slowly and carefully opened my eyes. I was still on the ship with Jack next to me. "You had me worried," Jack whispered. I smiled the ghost of a smile. "So you do care," I answered. He leaned in closer, and whispered, "Of course I do." I looked down as to cover the fact that I was blushing, and saw that my ring was back on my finger. "What's going on?" I asked. Jack looked over his shoulder, and replied, "Once you kissed Peter with a "hidden kiss" he began to turn pink, and then all his happy thoughts came back to him. The fight against Captain Hook is continuing." 

A smile crossed my lips, and I watched as he leaned in and like as if an instinct, I leaned in as well. At the last moment pulling away before our lips touched. "No. What about you and Kim?" I asked, though I desperately wanted to kiss him. "There was nothing between us, and there still isn't," Jack replied. I looked in his eyes, and saw the look he always gave people when he was hiding something. "That's not true," I whispered in an attempt to stop him from hearing that I was crying.

"Lily, I care about her the same way I care for you, but nothing else is happening," Jack replied.

"I know you're lying," I answered.

"Please Lily, I'm telling you the truth," Jack said.

"Sorry Jack, there's a choice you have make, but I won't make you do anything," I said.


"No Jack, I love you and Peter, and I know I'll have to choose sometime soon, but if you are into Kim my choice is already made," I interrupted.

"I love you!" Jack exclaimed.

The look in his eyes was sincere, and I wanted to believe him. I know how much this will crush Kim's heart, but I had to do something to show him I cared as well. I leaned in closer to Jack, as he was leaning towards me. Turning my head slightly to the right, and hesitated for a second which gave Jack the second to press his lips on mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and felt him press his hands on my lower back making the kiss more aggressive.

"Hmm... hmm..." 

I pulled away from Jack, and turned around to see Kim staring at us. "Kim let me explain..." Jack started. She looked at him with a look of distaste. "I'm off to see how Peter is doing," I said quietly. I got up, and walked away without another word. Peter and Hook were still in the air fight each other off. Having a mean insult passing fight.

"No! I have won!" yelled Hook.

"Whoo-hoo! You... are old." Peter said.

"But I won!" countered Hook.

"Old. And alone! Alone," insisted Peter.

"No! I won! I won!" Hook tried to say.

"Done for."

"Happy thoughts. Happy thoughts. Ripping! Killing! Killing! Choking! Lawyers! Dentists!" Hook shouted trying to get himself to believe.

"Old! Alone! Done for! Old! Alone! Done for! Old! Alone! Done for! Pus!" the lost boys, John, Michael, Wendy, and Jack were all shouting.

"Uh, children's blood. Puppies' blood."

"Old! Alone! Done for! Old! Alone! Done for!" they continued.

"Disease! Scabs! Kittens dashed on spikes! No!" Hook kept yelling.

"Old! Alone! Done for!"

"White death! Black death! Any death! A nice cup of tea!"

"Old! Alone! Done for!" they continued their argument.

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