Captain Namjoon

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It's funny the crazy thing your mind can come up with when you're in a completely illogical situation. For instance, standing in front of a window exposing the vastness of space surrounding Earth. Oregon looked much smaller from so high... We were so small.

The window must be a screen!

No, it's too glassy and cold.

Could they have created a screen to look like glass?

Possibly. More likely it was a projector.

No... our shadows would block the image from showing properly.

It could be projecting from the outside!

If I didn't stay logical, I would start to panic and that wouldn't be good. So, I kept running theories in my head until I realized Namjoon had been speaking the whole time. He paused as if waiting for me to give an answer. I blinked and tried to come up with something to say. Anything. Anything at all.

"What?" I blurted. Smooth. So smooth. Namjoon's face remained blank and I hoped mine was too, but sincerely doubted it.

"Do you have family you need to contact? We can rewire your phone to-"

"No." Dani came across my mind. I knew I should contact her, but what if it was a trap? What if they wanted to track what I was saying to gain information? I wish Jo and I had gone further. I wished we had gone to a place no one would ever find us and could let go of everything that happened. Everything.

Jo was a traitor. She was still back in Jungkook's arms. I looked over at Namjoon. He was so calm, so collected. He looked slightly uncomfortable but was able to hide it well. I wished he was more bothered. It would have made me feel better.

Jo used to jump on Tony like that... only Tony would pick her up and swing her around like she was his toddler. He would read her stories and show her cat videos online. Tony really spoiled Jo, and sometimes I felt like I was the real third wheel and Jo was the star of the show. But then Tony would turn around to me and give me that large smile. Stop thinking about Jo. She's fine. Yet, I still thought of Jo and Tony. I couldn't help it.

"Make sure you take good care of our child, when I'm gone." And then he would take us out to the diner and we would eat way too much food and come home far too late. Each time he would walk up to my parents and give the worst excuse. A freak meteor shower hit and we had to find cover. The restaurant we were in was robbed and we had to stay as witnesses to the crime. His wallet was stolen by an Albanian crime lord who murdered his family and needed to confirm his identity. There wouldn't be any more absurd excuses.

"We couldn't help but notice you were in your culture's color of mourning." Namjoon was beating around the edge of the real questions he wanted to ask. I blinked back into reality and leaned against the wall.

"I like it." He gave no indication as to what he felt, a small smile permanently stained on his face, and I nearly scowled. "I was at a funeral before you kidnapped me."

"My apologies. Who did you lose?" They weren't lost exactly. I knew exactly where they were. They were just... dead. Gone. I started tapping on my leg and took a deep breath.

"Um... my parents." I tucked my hair behind my ears. It's not true. They're waiting at home for me. They're not dead. He's not dead. "And my best friend."

"How?" He was natural in conversation. He must be FBI or CIA. He could be private hire for a company who wanted research from my parents' works. Why didn't they just search the house? There was no one left to guard it.

"What do you want?" I asked. He looked slightly surprised by this and it brought me some comfort. Maybe he is human after all.

"I wanted to talk to you and make polite conversation." I take it back. He's a freak of nature. I stood straight and crossed my arms.

"Well, this isn't polite conversation. I hope you didn't kidnap me to make me have small talk." Worst... Nightmare... Ever... "Why did you kidnap me?"

"We didn't kidnap you." He stated with his usual light air. I nearly gaped.

"You didn't... You knocked me out in the middle of the woods, locked me in a room, undressed me, and won't tell me anything! How is that not kidnapping?" I stared angrily at the projection. "You don't actually expect me to believe you're all aliens and I'm in space."

"We had to knock you out to put in the eChip. I was not the one who undressed you." So stoic. Maybe he was an android. What was more likely? Androids or aliens? Androids definitely. That could be explained by science and developed with a computer system. It also explained their perfect faces. "The closet dressed you. And would you rather us not knock you out to put in an eChip?"

"Why doesn't my head hurt?" I asked, and continued to glare at him.

"Why would your head hurt?" He asked with such sincere curiosity I had to look away.

"You can't just perform minor brain surgery and leave no mark and have no pain. That's a flaw in your story." I raised an eyebrow at him and a whisper of amusement crossed his face. Go on. Make something up.

"Maybe human brain-"

"Enough!" I hadn't raised my voice in a long time. I didn't realise something so trivial could exhaust me as much as it did. We were talking in circles. "I know you aren't an alien. What do you want?"

"Alien." He said the word with distaste. "For future reference-"

"Look, I'm not saying there isn't extraterrestrial life. I'm just saying you aren't one and this isn't a spaceship." Namjoon just stared blankly at me and gave no response. "Tell me the truth. What do you want from me?"

"Has anyone ever told you, you are very...strange." He gave me an odd expression and I shifted uncomfortably.

"You're one to talk." I mumbled angrily. "I get it. My parents were probably doing something really smart you want to steal, but they never talked to me about it. They never talked to me period."

"I'm sorry. You're probably overwhelmed with the loss of your family. We should-"

"That's not why I'm overwhelmed." Were they perfect? No. Were they supportive? Sometimes. Did they love me? Yes. I loved them too. An awkward silence that was completely my fault rested between us.

"How did they die?" I blinked at him and in that moment I could see all the blood. So much blood. I didn't know the human body contained that much blood. Some of it was mine, but most of it wasn't. My hand touched the scar on my stomach and I still felt a dull ache in the area. I pushed it all from my head. I had to.

"You're asking a lot of personal questions." His eyes had seemed to be a little more full of life when he was with his crew, but now they were just empty and confused. Did no one here understand the weight of what they'd done?

"So? Can I go now or are you taking me to Mars?" I asked. He blinked rapidly for a few seconds, as if waking from a daydream. Then he smiled a strange smile and shook his head.

"Mars is desolate. We're travelling much further to the Velasium Galaxy. We're going to the planet of Atara to refuel. We'll be there tomorrow afternoon." Namjoon seemed to be slightly energized by this. "Eventually we'll go back to Versain, my home planet."

"Now I know you're lying." I squared my shoulders.

"Namjoon." I turned around to see Jin. "Manage to scare her away yet?"

"Jin, can you-"

"Pilot the ship with her as co-pilot?" He winked at me and I possibly smiled. I doubted it though. I felt awkward and angry and on edge.

I shouldn't have run from the funeral. I should have stayed and faced it head on and let people help me. I was stupid and arrogant and now I was trapped with a bunch of government spies or by some impossible chance aliens. They could dye a little tree blue and create some strange shower but that meant they were good with advanced technology, not that they were from another planet. 

This was crazy. 

This was too crazy.

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