Computers and Customs

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"I think I understand." I nodded. Jungkook looked at me with skepticism. I slumped down onto the couch and made a long drawn out screeching sound. "No more! I've gotten it right three times now! I know how to pay for stuff, how to message you, how to google stuff-"

"What does it mean to google something?" Jungkook mused and sat next to my head on the couch. I rolled onto my back so I could speak more clearly.

"To search the internet, I guess." Google didn't exist in space. That in itself was a tragedy. How would I search up the names of actors whose faces got themselves stuck in my mind? How would I look up random dates for random historical events? I can't remember Ringo Starr's birthday! Will I ever know? That was a hole I would go down later.

"Weird." He shrugged and started tilting his head in a way that led me to believe he was playing the go-kart game on the eChip. I sat up and waved my hand in front of his eyes. He attempted to swat it away, but his depth perception was a bit off and he missed."Do you all often play-fight like that?" I asked and picked at the couch. Jungkook smiled but didn't look over.

"I suppose we do." He laughed. "It's all light hearted though."

"Of course." I nodded. "You all seem to be very close."

"We are." I saw a flash of regret on his face but his emotions altogether seemed to be happy. Was he missing someone?

"Who do you miss?" I asked before I could stop myself. That was the curse of being a writer. You wanted to know things you shouldn't. You were used to controlling the story and not relying on other people to feed it to you. I wanted his words so badly I wondered if he would dislike me for it.

"There was... someone else who used to be with us." He admitted. I knit my eyebrows and tried not to seem needy. He noticed and struggled to find words. He continued to move to a game I couldn't see. He paused it and turned towards me. "I probably shouldn't be talking to you about this."

"I won't tell." I smiled, edging him on.

"Well, don't misunderstand me... He didn't do anything wrong. He put his loyalty in the wrong person and is now completely devoted to something he thinks he believes in." Jungkook shook his head and smiled again, pushing the thought out of his mind. I understood I wasn't going to get anything else from him. That's okay. I had time and five other people to learn their story from.

"I've just got a message from Jimin that they're ready for you. Jimin seems really excited. Searling City is his favourite city." He smiled and stood up. I stood up and looked up at him with wide, curious eyes. This seemed to amuse him even more. "Searling City is the capital of Atara. I've planned out the whole day. It's going to be wonderful. Things you should know about Searling City are that it's wonderful... but wasn't always. It's had a massive remodeling because the place used to be super polluted. They've completely redone their waste system, but well... it's still apparent in the rain. So, if it starts to rain, then find cover."

I probably should have been paying more attention. But my mind stole me away.

I decided I wanted to be their friends.

I was done running away.

I decided right then I was going to belong. This wasn't going to be like high school. I wasn't going to be unnoticed and a shadow of myself around everyone. I was going to let them see me. I was going to make them see me. I didn't want to feel so alone anymore.

"Let's go." Jungkook stood up and pulled me up with him. How many of his smiles were genuine? I hoped more than my insecurities told me it was.

We walked through the dull halls to a part of the ship I didn't recognize. It was a large room with several smooth and gorgeous cars parked inside. Then I realized the wall was a loading bay and it was opening. Jimin was adjusting the straps on his backpack and smiled over at me. There it was again. That serene feeling that seemed to radiate off of him.

When the sunlight came through and some part of me was relieved it was golden. I wasn't ready for something too different. I stepped out to see we were in an airport made of a shiny white glass. While that was impressive, what was even more so was the giant planet in the sky. It was like a blue version of Jupiter. It was so huge and magnificent. I stood a little dumbfounded for a moment and just stared at it.

Hoseok started taking my blood pressure and making strange notes, and asking me to jump. I was staring at the sky the whole time. Everything was beautiful.

I was on another planet! The breeze smelled like metal and cleaner, but it was new and exciting. Jimin took my hand and dragged me out of the plane. The ground was still made of a material similar to asphalt. But the white glass reflected in a million different colors and cast rainbows on every surface possible. And the people... There were people in every shape and colour, some had wings and were flying, some had long horns or antlers and some looked human-like. Someone with pixie-like wings came and flew to our ship. Namjoon accepted some paperwork from the pixies and conversed with them in a polite tone.

"Come on!" Jimin laughed, pulling me through the large airfield. "We have to go through customs. This is going to be so much fun!"

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