Hawks Fly high

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You were walking with your li'l brother Fumikage Tokoyami (You were 19 to be 20 soon enough) to his hero agency because he sorta secretly. not very discreetly wanted you to meet his mentor (hawks obv like bruh) and you always wanted to ask a flying hero something, it didn't have to be anyone important but you've always always wanted to meet a hero who could fly. So you walk into the hero agency and Fumikage immediately went over to his mentor while you looked around the large building. You then noticed that your little bird bro wasn't next to you so you looked for him in the crowd of people and spotted him, so you walked over and straight away saw who he was talking to. Fumikage in that time had told hawks what you've always wanted from a hero that could fly and he just laughed and agreed with a smile on his face while you walked over to them.
You didn't know how to introduce yourself. You couldn't (wouldn't) fangirl and you didn't know if you were to start with a conversation or a handshake and names so you were slightly freaking out. Hawks decided to get straight to the point and asked "I heard from your brother here that you've always wanted to fly" you winced at the fact that you and Fumikage are basically birds especially with dark shadow and abyss (basically your dark shadow) and couldn't even glide nevertheless fly. You nodded your head "yeah I have always wanted to" you said sheepishly, hawks chuckled and said, "I can do it if you want". You were shooketh and replied with "Oh uh y-you don't have to.. if you don't want" he swatted the air with his hand and said it was fine and again asked if you wanted to, you nodded your head, and hawks without a second thought picked you up bridal style and flew out the doors with you who gave a surprised yelp. Fumikage just shook his head at his mentor and went to find somewhere to sit.
Meanwhile, you and hawks were now flying above the building while you slowly opened your eyes, getting used to the sudden wind and looked around with a grin on your face, you then looked at hawks who was smiling slightly, he yelled over the wind to you "so how do you like flying?" You yelled back "I love it! This is Amazing!!!" You giggled near the end of the sentence and looked up, down, around, and at his wings with the biggest smile, and with most excitement ever you asked him to drop you. Ye yelled back in surprise "what!?" You said back to him "not like that<(。_。)> I just meant drop me and then catch me, like-like free-falling" he replied with an "oh" and with a smug ass grin on his face he dropped you without warning. You screamed in surprise and fear because there was no warning. He chuckled and went down after you before you could get too far. After he had caught you, you were like "Bruh a little warning next time"  he said "oh? Next time? By the way you were screaming I thought you wouldn't want to do that again" he said with a cheeky grin, you retorted with "well I wasn't prepared to be dropped like that" he laughs and says "isn't that what you wanted?" You pouted and were like "yeah yeah". After 30 seconds of sulking, you asked him if he could do it again. He stopped moving forward, flying in place, and asked "you sure? Not gonna scream again?" You glared at his grin and nodded. He dropped you once more and you felt the adrenaline and yelled for joy, when he caught you again you were laughing so much your face was red and said "again" with a smile, you two repeated that cycle about 15 more times until he finally said, "I think it's time to go back the sun is almost down and I don't want to miss you" you nodded a bit gloomy but still happy from all the free-falling and asked "one more time but this time you fall with me" he looked at you incredulously and you replied with a "what? How is going to get you to fall with me any different to you?" He said "well diving is much different than just falling with no control" "oh so the number two hero is a control freak with this flying now is he? You said with a grin, he gave you a hoe are you for real, look and with a sigh threw you up in the air and promptly stopped flapping his crimson wings.
When Fumikage heard your laugh he looked at the door, noticing the agency was almost empty, he saw you and hawks with you poking fun at him for screaming during their last free fall together. Questioning what you were laughing at, and Hawks' salty face, he walked over to see how it went. Fumikage sort of bluntly asked what happened, without skipping a beat you said to him "he dropped me" whilst pointing your thumb at Hawks over your shoulder. Fumikage was not happy. He said, "you dropped my sister?" Trying to restrain some of the anger in his voice. He knew that he wouldn't let anything happen to you but he was still sort of mad, while Hawks was trying to explain that you asked him to drop you, you backed up sticking your tongue out at him behind your brother's back. You quickly stepped out of the building, while the other Tokoyami was going for the door you yelled to hawks "that was fun we should do it again sometime" he scoffed playfully and yelled back to you "it's a date then!". You'd never been so speechless or red in the face before, your brother grabbed you by the hand and turned back to his mentor, saying calmly "no it isn't" Hawks chuckled leaning back on some of his feathers which were holding him up. Chucking to himself he said, "we'll see about that".

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2021 ⏰

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