Chapter 4

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I walked towards the girls, making sure not to twist my ankle in nervousness. Things like that tend to happen when I’m trying to keep my composure. Some of the men standing around them turned to look at me and wolf-whistled. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks, but kept my expression neutral until I stood in front of my friends.                                  

“Hi girls,” I said, putting on a big fake smile, as if I was enchanted to see them there.

“Hi,” they said in unison.

“Hi darling,” a men who was standing beside Britney said, coming over to me, staggering in his walk. When he stood beside me, I could smell a year’s worth of alcohol in his breath, “What’s your name? Does it rhyme with hotness?”

“I doubt that,” I said, trying to hold my breath without looking too obvious.

“I didn’t know you’d be coming on this cruise, Sam,” Jennifer said, smiling widely. I know for a fact that it’s just an act in front of the men to show what a nice little witch she was.

“Oh, I must have forgotten to mention it to you,” I said, as sweetly as possible.

“That doesn’t matter,” Linda said, coming forward and taking my arm, “Since you’re already here, why don’t you join us for a drink?”

Looks like my plan worked. Jennifer’s eyes burned holes through my back as the man who talked to me earlier kept on flirting with me instead of her. I didn’t like him at all, but I kept on talking to him just to spite Jennifer. I’m no angel – I pay a grudge with a grudge.

“Why don’t we get more drinks?” Jennifer suggested, taking my arm and leading me to the bar.

“I’m fine,” I said, but followed her anyway.

“Look,” she said as she handed me a glass of tequila, “We know why you’re here.”

“Do you?” I asked her, sipping my drink. I wondered what would happen if I passed out. Maybe I should book for a cabin to sleep for the night.

“You can’t take it that we went on this cruise without you, that’s why you came,” she said snappily. Gosh, where was that sweet attitude of hers. I look back to the group hoping one of those men saw her for what she really was.

“I came because someone sold me their ticket,” I said, feeling guiltless in lying.

“Don’t lie to me, Layton,” Jennifer said threateningly. Layton? When did start calling me by my last name? “I know how desperate you are to join our little group that you are able to concoct this little plan to be on this cruise with us. You even went to the lengths to get a makeover, but that will never change the ugliness inside of you.”

“I need another drink,” I asked the bartender, taking a long sip before answering Jennifer; “I guess I was wrong then. I thought we were all friends, but I was probably the only one thinking that. And yes, I did come on this cruise join you guys – to show you that I can have fun too. I am not an abomination to your group...”

“But you are!” Jennifer cut in, her voice getting lower and angrier, “Don’t you realize that no guys would come near our group if you were around? Don’t you realize that we are only friends with you because we pity you? Poor Sammy who was a mouse in school and didn’t have any friends – if we didn’t befriend her, she’d be all alone!”

“You’re mean,” I whispered, my eyes brimming with tears. I can’t even see properly as it clouded my sight.

“I am not mean,” she said, “I’m just being honest with you.”

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