Having confident means to be brave yourself and to keep yourself up. Remember that your mother spent nine months making your hearts please don't let someone break it in one day, it's too precious.
From my point of view and my own experience I never usually have confident for myself, I got bullied a lot of time in school about how I look.... people would talk about me behind my back. This is definitely not something everyone wants to go through. We had no choice of choosing to meet good people, like Einstein said " weak people get revenge, strong people forgive, but intelligent people ignore " WE INTELLIGENT PEOPLE IGNORE those haters out there.
Recently, I have struggled with confidence in one of the most important aspects of my life: volleyball. With schoolwork, I feel completely confident in my work, but with volleyball it is a different story. Lately, I have been displeased and uncomfortable with my performance, instead of the ease that I used to play with. After every mistake, I would get down on myself and not shake it off, like one should. It has been hard for me to find out how gain and reach confidence. Through several talks from coaches and teammates, I finally believe that I am a good enough player and that I cannot let pressure get to me. Everyone else saw it besides me. I have learned that if one cannot believe in being able to do something, one will not do it. One really needs to be confident in what they do in order to succeed. I am slowly building my confidence by believing in myself and trusting in my abilities.
Some people have so much confidence that they are not afraid to do anything. Others are the complete opposite, and are scared of being judged or ridiculed by others. Self-confidence cannot be taught, but is reached by the individual when they decide to believe in themselves. In order to attain self-confidence, one needs to believe that they can do the task at hand. It cannot be accomplished overnight, but slowly gets stronger and stronger over a period of time. One of the major ways to obtain confidence is acting like one is confident, even when not. Acting will transfer into truly being self-confident and having high self-esteem. Another way to gain confidence is by talking to others. My example of gaining confidence is a true testament that this works. Talking to people that care will lift one up by talking about one's terrific skills, boosting confidence level immediately.We have the right to our body and no one can say or do anything about it. We stand up for ourself because in the real world out there no one will stand up for us. God has plan for us but by choosing the wrong one your life is over.
Self-confidence is something that cannot be taught. It is up to the individual to decide how much belief that they possess inside of themselves. I am at the point where I realize that I must first believe in myself before others will believe in me. Nobody teaches us to be happy or sad. They are natural feelings that come along as we develop mentally, physically, emotionally and psychologically.
When you get to the point where you allow others to dictate how you feel about life, you have to stop and take an internal survey. Ask yourself if your lack of self-confidence and self-assurance is holding you back from being the best that you can possibility be. Most often these feelings come from people allowing the negativity of other people to overcome them. You have to be willing to take control of your life and whatever is holding you back. So often we, as a people, look for the validation from society before we validate ourselves. I have allowed society to determine how I should look, dress and feel. It is time for me to take a stand and be in control of my own destiny.
It is often said that, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". What is beautiful to one person may not be as radiant to another.
Self-Love and Confident
Non-FictionSelf-love is having a high expectation of your own being and having happiness. Self-love is important to everyone because it is about loving your own self and no one can love you more than you love yourself. Being confident is to have the courage an...