Keep Your Head Up

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Trying to stay positive is hard. When everything feels like its falling in around you, it is hard to know what to do other than give up, but don't. A quote that I really like is "when life gives you lemons make lemonade." Being adopted is hard and really confusing but I made it through it and I can make it through anything. I believe that you can make it through anything because there are always people to help you through life, you are stronger than you think you are, and no matter what is going on just stay positive and it will all work out in the end.

Growing up there were always things going on that were hard to go through, like parents getting a divorce, or having a loved one pass away. The places that were always able to help me through it were my parents and also the guidance counselor at a school. Just having someone there for you that you can just talk to always helps. It's better to let everything out instead of keeping it inside until it erupts inside and you just mentally breakdown. Like the sang "there are angles out there to pick you back up on your feet when you fall down." Just keep that in mind when you are down or if you see somebody down be the angle for them and just talk to them and try to help them out it will be worth it in the long run.

No matter what happens just keep going, life stinks sometimes but that doesn't mean just give up and not try anymore. You are much stronger than that. God won't put you in something that you cant get through. In life, there is a lot of sadness and death, but there is just as much happiness and birth. You just have to stay positive and if you put your mind on something then finish it because you can.

You know how people say "life is what you make it" I believe this to be true. Either you can sit around thinking about your problems, or decide how you're going to overcome them. For me, life has been a struggle, but I never give up. I try to stay positive and always try my hardest. Sometimes I doubt myself on my capabilities. It's hard to believe in yourself when it seems like nobody else does. I try to motivate myself on what others think I'm not capable of; with this power, I believe I can achieve anything. I have to push myself every day to do things that would be simple for others to do. I want to prove everybody wrong. I know I can do it!

A few years ago, I was diagnosed with a very rare neurological disorder called dysautonomia. It only affects maybe 1 in a million people. I'm one of ten people in my state that has this disorder. It affects everything I do and makes life very difficult at times. It's genetic, and my cousin also struggles with the illness. Since my diagnosis, I've been back and forth between being in an alternative high school and being home-tutored.

One goal I've always wanted to achieve is graduating high school. I want to be the first person in my family to reach this goal, set aside my illness. I want to do what others believe is impossible for me. I want to live a normal life. I'd like to go to college one day and be very successful. I think I have a lot of potentials, and I want to help other people who have hard-ships believe in themselves as well. I want to do something in life that will help other people because life hasn't been so easy for me and not very many people have been supportive because they don't understand what I go through. I've had many people tell me to give up on my goals. Even though I'm sick and others don't believe I can accomplish things, I believe in myself and I always tell myself "I can." I push myself through everything I do. I don't just want to drop out and make nothing of my life like I've seen so many people do. I'm not going to let anybody or anything stop me. One day, I WILL do something with my life.

I was going through quotes a while back. I love reading quotes; I think they're so inspiring. I read one that has always stuck to my mind. I use it every day, saying it to myself over and over when I'm feeling like I can't accomplish something. "Keep your head up, people would kill to see you fall." That's my motto. It makes me push myself to do the unexpected. One day I will prove everyone wrong. I just have to keep my head up high and I will succeed.

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