Chapter 8.

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The Decepticons launched their attack on Iacon. A Decepticon dropship carrying Soundwave, Breakdown, NightShade and Megatron was coming in for a landing. It landed and allowed its passengers to exit, the 4 Decepticons jumping out and onto the ground. Starscream came hovering over to them.

"Starscream! You and your Seeker armada will lead and frontal attack!" Megatron ordered.

"Yes Lord Megatron." The red seeker flew off.

"I don't see why we aren't joining the main battle, Megatron." Breakdown said.

NightShade snarled and whacked him upside the head.

"Ow! What was that for?!"

"We're not joining the main battle because we're going after the Omega Key, dumbaft. It's being held in the Decagon up ahead." Nightshade growled.

"Precisely NightShade. Now do not question me again!" The warlord barked.

The 4 Decepticons set off. The Autobots up ahead were prepared for them, they fired at their oncoming enemies with everything they had. The Decepticons took cover and shot back at the Autobots protecting the way to the Decagon, killing them one by one. The soldiers screamed in pain as they collapsed and went offline.

"That's it? Kinda pathetic.." Breakdown said.

"Surely there are more just ahead, Zeta Prime would not be so foolish to leave the Omega Key unguarded." Megatron stated.

"And if he did, he's a Fragging moron and made it easy for us." NightShade chuckled.

"Probability of this is very low." Soundwave spoke.

"I know, that's why I said IF he did."

They continued onward to a sealed door up ahead. Megatron stepped forward as his 3 soldiers stayed back, he summoned the power of Dark Energon and shot purple lightning at the door. It started to give under the pressure and succumbed to the power, the door exploded into multiple pieces. Nightshade and Breakdown stared in awe at what their leader had done.

"Holy scrap-"

"Lord Megatron," Starscreams voice came through their com links, "The dark energon is proving every bit of formidable as you predicted!"

"Excellent, Starscream. Keep engaging so we may acquire the omega key."

The Decepticons walk through the door, continuing onward.

"My Lord, why have we allowed that treacherous bastard back into our ranks? How do we know he won't betray us again?" Nightshade asked.

"Oh, I trust Starscream as far as I can blast him. But he has a rare cunning I find...intriguing."

Suddenly Autobots came pouring out from another door, firing upon them. The Decepticons were forced to take cover once more and shot at them. But some of those Autobots were larger, had shields and hammers. Autobot brutes, they were. Nightshade snarled and jumped out from behind their cover, charging at one of the brutes. One of the brutes was about to hit her with its hammer, but she was far too quick.

The wolf seeker quickly got behind him and started shooting at a weak point on its back, the brute was taking loads of damage. So much so that it began to overload. The other brutes were attempting to shoot at her, but as they were aiming at her their backs were exposed to the other decepticons. Megatron, Soundwave and Breakdown fired upon the other brutes, causing them to overload as well. Soon enough, the brutes screamed in pain as they overloaded and exploded.

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