Chapter 48.

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Ratchet and Lockshift walked over to the unconscious Xeno. I couldn't believe it, she...she's ALIVE! But how?! 3 of her kids hissed defensively as they got close to their mother, but Zexal picked them up and held them in a hug. I looked back at her father who appeared confused on what to think.

"Sir..?" I ask.

He looked up at me, taking a deep breath.

"Alright, what happened out there?" A calmer voice came out of his translation device.

Optimus looked down at him, "She put herself between Megatron and me."

Her father looked really concerned for a second before shaking his head.

"Whom?" He asks.

"The leader of the Decepticons. He's a really bad guy, but we don't know what happened to him." I say.

The mandibled creature thought to himself, the looks on his face read extreme concern and worry. He has every right to be worried, he's seen how big we are. Xenos father sighed and shook his head. The creature jumped from the floor and onto Xenos medical bed in between Ratchet and Lockshift, kneeling down to look at the large wound she had. He clicked to himself before looking back at us.

"That's a problem for another time. For now, my daughter needs a doctor." He said.

"We have been trying to keep her stable for as long as possible." Ratchet says.

But he shook his head, "No, my wife can fix this. She's dealt with very gnarly wounds such as this. But, I do thank you for keeping her alive as long as you have."

"You are welcome." Optimus tells him.

He turned to Zexal and made several clicks and growls to him, the King nods and carefully picked up his girlfriend after putting the kids down. Once he had Xeno in his arms, he carefully walked towards the large hole they made in the wall. The kids followed behind their father out of the Ark and towards a much smaller ship, Xenos dad jumped down from the medical table and went after them.

"Je'Trya, correct?" Optimus asks.

He stopped, looking over his shoulder with a nod.

"That is correct, Optimus Prime." Je'Trya replies.

Wow, I didn't know Optimus knew him. Maybe they've met before? I don't know, but if he says his "wife" can fix Xenos wound, then I believe it. Zexal and his kids quickly entered Je'Tryas ship, he followed behind them but stopped at the entrance and looked at us.

"If my daughter trusts you, then I do as well. Follow us to our city." He says as he walks in.

Oh yay, back to the giant city with more small mandibled creatures! At least there's energon there. Optimus and Elita look at one another, nodding before they turn to the other Autobots.

"Autobots, transform and roll out!" Optimus said.

The other Autobots transformed into their vehicle modes and drove out of the medbay, all but me. My ears drooped as I watched the others driving away and Grimlocks team running in beast mode, Optimus looked at me with a strange look as the others followed the ship.

"Elita, you go with the others. I'll be but a moment." He says.

Mama nods, transformed and followed the others through the jungle. I went to follow her but he stopped me, I turned around to look at him with big eyes.

"Aren't we gonna follow them?" I ask.

"In a moment, what is wrong little one?"

I lowered my head.

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