4. Proving Your Worth

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*the next morning*

*an alarm comes on in Canterlot and across Ponyville*

*at Sweet Apple Acres*

*Applejack and AJ get up and start their morning routine*

*the two wash up and head to the barn*

*the two start working*

Applejack- *sighs* I hope those four found what they were lookin' for

AJ- *looks at her* However they said they we're gonna help, I hope they help...

*back in Canterlot*

Spike/Barbra- *groans* 5 more minutes....

Twilight/Dusk- *gets up and looks at the window at the rust colored sky*

Dusk- *sighs* Even the skies aren't normal anymore.

Twilight- *serious* We need to get some answers about how Sombra and Oscura won.

Spike- *concerned* Um, they took over the Empire because we weren't here to help with the Crystal Fair and we didn't find the Crystal Heart.

Dusk- *nods* Yes, but what they do instead.

*a knock on the door is heard*

Twilight/Dusk- Come in!

*the door opens to reveal Cadence and Bolero*

Twilight/Dusk- *smiles* Morning.

Cadence/Bolero- *nods* Morning. 

Spike- *speaks up* Um Cadence?

Cadence-  *looks at him* Yes?

Spike- What's exactly to eat around here?

Cadence- *looks at the four* We have stewed apples and bread.

Barbra- *admits* Do you have any gems?

Twilight- *blocks her with her wing* *to Cadence and Bolero* The stewed apples and bread are fine, thank you. Apologies.

Bolero- *shakes his head* No, that's alright.  *uses his magic to create two moderate shards of crystal* *floats them over to Spike and Barbra* We know from Celestia and Solaris' adventures with dragons that they love gems. It's only natural.

Spike/Barbra- *takes the crystals and starts eating them*

Cadence- *levitates two bowls of stewed apples to Twilight and Dusk along with some bread and water*

*Twilight and Dusk levitates them*

Twilight- *sincere* Thank you.

*the two start eating*

Cadence- *nods* Your welcome. *solemn* After you two eat, we're going to debrief you two about your timeline and what your intentions are.

Dusk- *concerned* We were sent here by a spell that two unicorns created. *levitates the spell and shows them*

*Cadence and Bolero look at the spell*

Cadence- *looks at them* This is one of Starswirl's time spells. It's in the-

Twilight- *swallows her apples* The Starswirl the Bearded wing in the Canterlot Archieves. *admits sheepishly* Before those two we kinda used that spell to go back in time to warn ourselves of a disaster that didn't even happen. It was just nerves.

*everyone is quiet*

Dusk- *clears his throat* Anyway, the spell didn't look like this. The spell originally only went back a week but Starlight and Stellar altered it to go back to any point in time.

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