Darkness Within

60 6 2

Hello, my name is [Redacted]
Hello, it's so nice to meet you
Hello, I just wanna tell ya that you're gonna go through some sh!t
Like what?
Well, for starters you won't even know who you are
Yes, it comes from afar, a screaming surrounds the Darkness Within
Wait what?
Hey, I don't make the rules
Well actually I kinda do
But like, no matter how hard I try you're stuck with the darkness you must learn to fight
Hold up!
So listen, you're telling me straight
I am,
But how come I don't feel that way?
Well I-
I welcome the Darkness Within cause maybe one day it will show me the light
Now wait just a second
Do you really feel that way?
I do
Is it really you or are you controlled by the darkness's hold?
Alright, see you're pretty smart
Why thanks
But that scream you heard from afar?
Well that was just me killing the person I used to be!
Too late

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