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20 years ago...

The day was long over and the end of tonight's rain caused thick, white fog to overcome the busy streets of New Habbershire as the cab finally arrived at the destination. It was dark and cold, and the atmosphere was rather spooky around that part of the city.

Nathaniel clutched his mother's hand as soon as she came to stand beside him, after stepping out of the still running car. She was quick to pay the driver, not wanting to pay more for gas, seeing he had no intention on turning off the engine.

Nathaniel was too distracted by the scary looking alley his gaze was focused on. He didn't know his mother was serious when she said that they were going to move to Endrik, a continent he had only heard of before in school. He liked his former home in Silverthorne and couldn't think of a better place to live in. He had just started school a few months ago and already made friends.

He was thinking his mother was just teasing him and so he waited and waited until she finally admitted it. But that never came. Instead, he found himself packing all his belongings a day after the big announcement. He didn't even know what to think of it. He had never been on a plane before, never in his six years of existence had he been on vacation. But Nathaniel didn't mind. He knew vacations were something they could never afford.

The Bennetts were not exactly poor, but far far away from wealthy. So how did his mother pay for this trip? Even with the small amount of experience he had in life, he knew a flight from Silverthorne to Endrik was expensive. Especially first class tickets.

But he was far from complaining. He might have just started school back at home, but he was sure he was going to school here too and maybe find new friends. Maybe he could even get a room for himself now? He sure hoped this change of scenery was for the good.

Maura Bennett glanced down at her son. Her precious little thing. As soon as she watched his curious eyes roam the dark area around them, she knew she had made the right decision. She knew he was safe in New Habbershire with his father. She couldn't risk dying and leaving her six year old son behind. Her time had come and she wasted no time on calling his biological father.

"Mum?" Maura heard his concerned voice, drawing her out of her thoughts. She saw him looking up at her, a small frown forming on his forehead. As she smiled at him, she eased the frown away with her thumb, like she always did. Nathaniel smiled back, noticing how her smile didn't reach her eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asked her, wanting to know what all of this meant. Why they even moved here in the first place? He had asked her a few times before, but she only told him he would see why and he nodded, not wanting to cause his mother any stress. He had witnessed her faint and have seizures a few times before, so he remained quiet. For his mother's sake.

But now he was here and couldn't understand. The boy was still so young, so innocent. He didn't even know his mother was suffering from a rare health condition, causing her brain to stop functioning a few weeks after discovery. He didn't know that tonight was the last time he would see her. The last time he would hold her hand, kiss her warm cheeks and enjoy her comforting hug.

"Nothing baby. Take your suitcase, we have a few more minutes to walk and then we'll be at our new home." Her voice cracked during the last bit of her sentence. Nathaniel noticed, but once again, he ignored it and did as he was told. Their hands were still embraced in one another and neither of them had the intention of letting go. Ever.

After several minutes of walking uphill, Maura widened her eyes at the sight in front of her. She glanced at the street sign to assure herself that the mansion she just laid her eyes on was indeed their final destination. She picked up her pace, looking down to prevent from stumbling over another loose root.

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