Departure in 5 Minutes

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George POV:

As I walked through the UK airport I saw a few small food shops, I stopped at a Starbucks and grabbed a Caramel Frappe, I wanted to try something new, yet new isn't always good, it tasted like pure sugar. I hesitantly swallowed the bit I sucked out the straw and I dropped the drink into the trash, what a waste of money. I hate trying new foods...

I sighed and started walking to Gate D, the sounds of the wheels of my suitcase mixed with the taps of peoples footsteps seemed to calm me, even though it's always been a pet peeve of mine before. The taste of the "drink" was still lingering in my mouth so I took a sip of water from one of the water fountains, which made the taste left in my mouth horrible. I felt like throwing up, yet I haven't eaten anything since I had to get up early, so the most I could do was gag, which caused some concerned, yet disgusted looks from others. I have such a weak stomach I mumbled to myself as I was walking.

My pocket vibrated which startled me a bit, as I thought I just bumped into somebody.

Discord: New message from Dream

I took a step onto the escalator and I looked at my phone as I slowly went down to the first floor.

4:56 AM - Dream: r u on the plane yet?

What's he doing up so early in the morning? It's still a few hours before my plane arrives, as well as Sapnap's.

4:57 AM - George: Why are you awake so early? And no, I'm about to arrive at the Gate

Almost instantly, he replied

4:57 AM - Dream: bc I don't want to be late to get you guys :(

4:57 AM - George: But you don't need to be literally 9 hours early!

I got off the escalator and continued to look at our DM's while walking.

4:58 AM - Dream: well I'm an hour early for Sap, and he's already on the plane

I shook my head slightly with a small smirk, his grammar always ticked me off, but recently I've started to find it kinda cute... I know I like him, but the problem is, he doesn't like me back. Not only that, but he doesn't like my gender in general, I have no chance with him but I could at least wish, right? I guess you could say he's the man of my dream's-

The rant I had going on in my brain was interrupted by the loud, obnoxious speakers that turned on every 30 minutes to announce the new flight departing. But this time, it was my flight.

''Flight Departure for GATE D will be in 5 Minutes!''

I shoved my phone in my pocket and started sprinting to Gate D, I could see some other people sprinting too, A mother with two kids, a guy in his 30's who looked like he was ready for a hike, and a teen girl who was running with a cake pop and two drinks from Starbucks, one being the Carmel Frappe. We were all sprinting the same direction, so I assumed they were going to Gate D as well.

Once I arrived at the gate, the mother of two and the teenage girl were waiting in line to board the plane, while the guy who looked like he was going on a hike ran over to a toddler and picked the kid up with a relived look, I smiled and turned back and gave the girl who was helping us board the plane my ticket, she put it through a scanner and once it beeped she handed me it back and looked at the next one in line and did the same thing. I glanced back and noticed the teenage girl gave the helper one of the drinks and the cake pop and then she sat in a chair behind the desk and started drinking the Caramel Frappe. So it was only me and the mother of two who was late for the flight.

I took a picture of the walkway in the plane real quick as I was heading to my seat, which made a mother with a baby give me a dirty look. I sent the picture to Dream and then I sat in my seat. There was already a man who was eating a pizza and listening to music, as well as an old lady who held her small purse in her lap, I had the middle seat so the old lady got up, gave me a smile, and allowed me to sit so I did so. Now that I was closer to the guy who was listening to music, I could hear a familiar song, "The internet ruined me."

I smiled, as this had made me happy knowing Wilbur's music is really getting around.

I accidentally bumped his shoulder making him perk up, he glanced at me then took a "secret" picture of me and I could see him posting it to his Snapchat, and Instagram story. This made me quite uncomfortable because he could have just asked for a photo but oh well, at least he got my good side I shrugged a tiny bit.

I took a selfie and then sent it to Dream.

Dream was typing for a bit before I got a picture of Sapnap and Dream, Dream was asleep while Sapnap was awake sitting next to him, the caption read, "He doesn't know I'm here yet, I'm waiting for him to wake up"

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Dream was typing for a bit before I got a picture of Sapnap and Dream, Dream was asleep while Sapnap was awake sitting next to him, the caption read,
"He doesn't know I'm here yet, I'm waiting for him to wake up"

Dream was typing for a bit before I got a picture of Sapnap and Dream, Dream was asleep while Sapnap was awake sitting next to him, the caption read, "He doesn't know I'm here yet, I'm waiting for him to wake up"

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I replied with "Lol" and I put down my phone as I looked at the window which was blocked by the dudes head, but I could see the plane slowly start moving, too slow for me to notice without looking out the window. The announcement from the pilot played explaining the safety details and the plane started working up, I silently chuckled to myself which came out as more of a huff. The sound of the plane preparing to lift off sounded like my old computer before Dream had bought me a new one.

The plane lifted into the air and the sound of a baby crying filled the plane, and I could hear groans from some of the others who were visibly annoyed, I connected my AirPods and sighed as I laid my phone in my lap, I closed my eyes and we were in the air, everything felt light. By the time I opened my eyes again, it was an announcement from the pilot.

You've arrived at your destination, Enjoy your stay in Florida!

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