The Beach

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Dream POV:

I opened my eyes and I could see George to my left and he was covering his mouth with the sleeves of the hoodie I gave him last night, I smiled and got off the bed and I guess the movement of me getting off the bed must've awakened him as a heard a suttle groan, I turned back to look and he was sitting up. "Morning sunshine." I smiled and he stayed quiet, too tired to speak. "I'm going to try to make breakfast." I said but his tired eyes looked up at me and he got out of bed, he walked out the door and said, "Nope, I'm making it, I'm not craving burnt food today." I smirked and rolled my eyes as I followed him. 

I sat at the island which was right next to the kitchen which George was in and he was looking through the fridge. "Hmm, I could make some Kedgeree." George offered and I looked at him with a confused look, "what the hell is that?" I questioned and he gave me a surprised look, "You never ate Kedgeree before?" He laughed a bit under his breath and I shrugged. Nor have I ever heard of it. George grabbed some things from the fridge which consisted of eggs, fish, rice, and some spices. He put the eggs into boiling water and started cooking the fish on a mini-indoor grill thing I have never touched, it just came with the apartment.

Once everything was being prepared and now we only needed to wait for it to be finished, George walked over to his suitcase which was on the floor, and grabbed a box of some cookie looking things. He walked over to me and put the box down in front of us. "We can eat some of these while we wait." He offered and smiled, tilting his head slightly, like a puppy. 

I grabbed one from the box and ate it, not the best cookie, but it was definitely my top 3. I ate around 4 before I could hear beeping coming from a timer George had set, he went back to whatever he was making and I went back to scrolling through Reddit.

The smell of George's cooking started to fill the apartment and on cue, Sapnap walked out obviously looking for where the smell was coming from. Sapnap sat next to me and started watching George cook, he looked at me and saw the cookie I was eating, he grabbed the box which was now empty and frowned. "George, do you have any more of the Jaffa Cakes?" He groaned as he was "upset" with me for eating them all. "Foods almost ready, you can have more if you're still hungry after." George replied, Sapnap frowned and looked at me before saying, "How come Dream gets to eat them?" he huffed. I chuckled because of how much Sapnap was acting like a child while George was acting like his mom. "Well if your lazy ass would've gotten up sooner maybe he would have shared." George rolled his eyes and started putting the food into a large bowl. I laughed and replied, "I wouldn't have shared no matter how early he came." Sapnap looked at me with his mouth open and he looked at George "MOM..." Sapnap joked and George giggled.

George walked over with two plates and places them in front of Sap and I and he placed the large bowl and smiled with his hands on his hips "Tadaa~!" He exclaimed and he smiled 

George walked over with two plates and places them in front of Sap and I and he placed the large bowl and smiled with his hands on his hips "Tadaa~!" He exclaimed and he smiled 

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"DAMN, who knew you could cook," Sapnap said as he was grabbing some and putting it on his plate, and I did so too after Sap was done grabbing his fill.

George POV: 

After breakfast we all started getting ready for the beach, I put on the swimming trunks and then kept the hoodie on, I didn't feel like taking it off, even though I knew it'd be hot, it was soft and like I said before, smelt like Dream's cologne. I exited the bathroom and Dream was sitting on the couch looking at his phone, he was wearing some black swimming trunks with a white tank-top on, after a minute of talking with Dream on the couch Sapnap slammed open the door, "LET'S GO TO THE BEACH!" He screamed with excitement. Here we go again with Sapnap being extremely hyped. 

We went down the elevator and then we were with the reception lady again, Dream walked up to her and started talking with her. Sapnap was already sitting in the car, I was waiting for Dream before I started to get impatient. "Dream~ Let's go!" I groaned and he turned to look at me, the reception lady gave me a glare and I looked down a bit, avoiding eye contact. I heard footsteps and looked up and Dream was walking towards me, he waved bye to the lady at the desk with a smile. While we were walking to the car Dream asked, "Hey George, when we're around people I know, call me Clay." I mouthed sorry and he scruffed my hair and smiled, I felt guilty for some reason but I knew I didn't really do anything wrong and that Clay wasn't mad at me.

While we were driving there, the lack of walls in the car was letting in a lot of air which was very refreshing, Sapnap raised his hands in the air out of excitement and I did so too. My hands were completely engulfed by the long sleeves of the hoodie, as well as half of my hips, but I could care less, even though I looked stupid, at least I looked stupid with Sapnap.

Once we arrived there we sent up a large towel, an umbrella, and a cooler filled with some drinks. We put some large rocks on each corner of the towel to keep it down, even though there was barely any wind apart from a small breeze, but we could care less. 

Sapnap met Karl here, since Karl, Jimmy, Chris, and the others decided to stay in Florida for a few months. So while they were off in the water I was drinking Capri-suns with Dream, we were just talking about basically anything. I started touching the sand a ton since it's my first time ever seeing it. "I heard you can make things out of the sand, so like how you can with snow, so can we make a sandman?" I smiled as I attempted to make one. Dream stood up and nodded and we walked near the water, we grabbed the wet sand and formed it into a ball, I was making the head while Dream was making the body, I put the smile on its head along with some dots for eyes, I looked at the body dream was making and out Sandman turned into one of the Dream Blobs, still looked cute though. 

I walked over to the towel and took off the hoodie, I laid it near the cooler, Dream took off his shirt and I avoided looking at him, so I sprinted straight into the water, I went deep enough to where it covered my chest, and Dream was next to me. I lifted my feet off of the floor and started going down, I started splashing and Dream started laughing. "HELP, IM DROWNING!" I yelled at him. "Your feet can touch the ground though." he was still laughing at me. "I know, but I want to learn how to swim, and you're no help!" I was still splashing and Dream was holding me in the water. "Just move your legs back and forth as if you were walking." Dream told me and I did so, he let go of me and I was still splashing a bit, but I was actually staying afloat.

After a few hours, it got dark and Sapnap had already left to go to Karl's hotel room and he was already back at the apartment and most likely asleep. The beach was empty and the air was cold, we left the water and grabbed our stuff, I put the hoodie back on and Dream didn't bother to put on his shirt. When we got to the car we put everything in the back where Sapnap sat before and we started driving back. "Aren't you cold?"  I asked as I was hugging my legs close to my body since it was pretty cold. Dream shrugged and we pulled up to the apartment and when we walked in the lady waved and Dream waved back. When she noticed the lack of...shirt. She kept her eyes locked on him.

We went into the apartment and walked into the room. "Give me the hoodie." He put his hand out for me to give to him, so I took it off and he grabbed a different hoodie and gave me it, it looked the exact same, yet now the smell of his cologne was more strong, which was much better. 

As we laid in bed, I started thinking to myself:

I really like him, but I don't think he likes me. But there's a chance he does, should I tell him? It won't ruin our relationship negatively...I think. He's very accepting and I can get over it quickly, sure it'll hurt but what do I have to lose? I should just tell him. I think I have a good chance.

After 5 minutes of considering this, I built up the courage. 

"Hey Dream...?"

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