Settling In

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George POV:

As we walked into the building, there was a quiet wheeze of the AC running, along with a fresh smell of an automatic spray that released particles of a fresh, clean linen smell every 5 minutes. Dream lead us to the elevator and I could see the receptionist peeking up from her computer looking at Dream, as if he did something bad. She noticed me looking at her and her eyes shifted toward me, her expression didn't change. I quickly looked back at Dream and we walked to an elevator. He pressed the upwards arrow button and we waited there and could hear the sound of a creaking above us, it was either the elevator coming down or the people living above us.

I looked at Sapnap who was spamming the upwards arrow button. I turned to look back at the woman behind the desk, who was still looking at us, but when she saw me look at her, she got a stern look and looked down at her computer as if she were waiting for me to look away from her before she started staring at us again. I tugged on Dream's shirt and he looked down at me, I mumbled, loud enough for only Dream to hear, "The reception lady is scary." 

He looked back at her and she smiled and waved at him as if she was waiting for him to notice her the whole time. "Why? She's really nice." He questioned and I just shrugged, ignoring her locking eyes on Dream. 

The elevator doors opened and we walked inside, once the doors closed I let out a small sigh of relief. Sapnap pressed every button expecting us to go to every floor, but the orange light on the buttons didn't turn on, nor did we move. "WHY AREN'T WE MOVING? IS THIS A TRAP? LET ME OUT." Sapnap started screaming and I could only imagine what the reception lady is thinking when she hears the muffled sound of sap screaming. "Bro, chill out." Dream replied as he shoved Sap out of the way and he took keys out oh his pocket, scanned a barcode looking thing attached to the key and he pressed the button that read 7 and the orange light turned on as we started moving up.

We arrived at the floor and started walking past rooms which made the place look awfully like a hotel. We walked around the halls for a while until we stopped at a door at the end of a hallway, right next to the door there was a metal door with a large red sticker on it that read "EXIT". Dream still had the key in his hand and he put the key through the slot and opened the door. Not sure what I was expecting when I went into Dreams apartment, but at least something more...furnished. 

The room had a small kitchen with some plates and cups in the sink, a small couch with a large TV, and a big window. Next to it was a room, the door leading into the room it was glass and I could see inside. it was large, but very empty, only a bed, a desk, two large windows with the blinds closed. There was a hallway separating the living room from the kitchen that leads to two rooms, ones door was open and were obviously a bathroom, while the other was a room with the door closed.

"Your house is so lame." I scoffed as I went over to the living room and sat on the floor as I started unpacking. Dream rolled his eyes, and Sapnap ran to the bedroom with the glass door. "I CALL THIS ONE!" He yelled and pointed at it. "Why are you yelling so much?" I huffed as it started getting annoying. "I dunno, I'm hyped!" He said and then I grabbed a box of the Jaffa Cakes I got and I put one half in my mouth and the other half was sticking out. Just a small snack while I unpacked. Sapnap leaned over me, looked at the Jaffa Cake in my mouth. "what's that?" he asked and I bit down, breaking it in half, I pulled the other half out of my mouth and replied, "Jaffa Cake." I smiled as I grabbed a new one from the box and gave it to him. He bit it and his eyes filled with stars. "Holy shit dude, that tastes amazing!" He said as he grabbed the entire box and ran into "his room". Dream walked out of the room that was closed when we first arrived.

He sat down next to me, with his legs crossed. "exited for the beach tomorrow?" He asked, obviously trying to start some conversation, As I swallowed the other half of the Jaffa Cake, I replied excitedly, "Hell yeah! Make sure I don't drown though- It'll be my first time swimming." He laughed, "yeah right." and after 3 seconds of silence, he looked at me with a surprised look. "You've never swam before!?" I stayed quiet and bit the inside of my cheek he laughed, "Alright, I'll be your personal lifeguard." Then I thought of it, Dream is going to be shirtless- I shook my head trying to get the image out of my mind but the more I tried, the more it came back, I turned bright red as I looked down, my eyes slowly drifting to Dream who was looking on his phone. He looked at me and I looked straight at the floor, I was super red and started breathing from my mouth instead of my nose like a usually do. "You okay?" He questioned and he tilted my chin up, this made me go extremely red, "eh..?" was all I managed to say, and he looked extremely concerned. "Jesus christ George, your so red!". If only he knew why. 

I covered my face and I just walked into the closest room, which was the room that had the door closed. I walked in, shut the door, locked it, and sat with my back against the door. I hit my head with my hand and I could hear Dream at the other side of the door. He turned the doorknob trying to get in. "George. Unlock the door, what's wrong?" He tapped the door twice with his finger. I needed to change the subject so I just laughed, "I claim this room, you get the couch." 

Dream POV: 

I could tell he was smiling in there, but just hearing his laugh made me smile, even though I was upset he locked me out of my own bedroom. "Georgeee~ Let me in or I'm going to lock you in there forever." I tapped the door twice again. "Hah! I can stay here forever and be fine." He replied. I rolled my eyes and replied, knowing he'd come out. "Fine, you won't go to the beach tomorrow." I heard George inhale, about to say something but he stayed silent for around 10 seconds before I heard the door click, and when I opened the door. George was standing there with a pouty face and his arms crossed. "Okay, it's unlocked, but I still get the bedro-" I ignored him and picked him up, knowing he was helpless when I carried him. "wha- DREAM!" He started hitting my back with his fists like a toddler throwing a tantrum. 

"I get the bed, you get the couch." I huffed, marching around the apartment holding him. He groaned, "But the couch is uncomfortable." He frowned. "Fine, either sleep with me, Sapnap, or on the couch." I offered. "I'm sleeping with you, no way in hell am I sleeping on that couch, or with Sapnap." He huffed as I put him down. George looked up at me for a few seconds. "What?" I asked as he was just looking up at me. "nothing..I...Just can't believe I'm actually seeing you in person..." He said still looking up at me. I smiled and hugged him, which he hugged me back, The sun was already setting and I could hear Sapnap snoring. "let's go to sleep." I whispered and he yawned and rubbed his eyes while he grabbed my wrist and we went to the bedroom. 

George sat on the bed as if he were waiting for me to lay down. I went to my closet and grabbed one of my green, smile hoodies and I walked over to him. "The blanket is only big enough to cover our legs, so wear this since it gets really cold at night."  I handed him the hoodie. He mouthed thank you, and he put it on. It was too big for him and covered his hands. He smiled and I blushed as I whispered, loud enough for only me to hear "You're so cute."

I was too tired to scold myself so I just hopped into the bed and laid on the other side of the bed and fell asleep. 

George POV:

After around 5 minutes, before I fell asleep, I said in a low voice, "Dream? You awake?" There was no response so I slowly moved close to him and kissed his forehead, "Love you."  I whispered near his ear and I laid back down and put Dream's hoodies sleeves to my mouth and I inhaled and it smelt just like his cologne. I smiled and drifted to sleep.

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