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Dream POV: 

Both George and I had woken up, relatively at the same time. I yawned before speaking, "Good morning~" I smiled. "Morning...~" He grinned before throwing his arms in the air and reaching as high as he can. I got off of the bed and grabbed my phone, wallet, and keys before putting on my shoes. I called out for George, and he walked outside of the room with a yawn. He grabbed his phone and put on his shoes. We walked outside of the hotel room and locked it shut. 

We started walking down the hall, past what seemed like hundreds of other rooms. We made our way to the elevator. We walked in and pressed the button which read "L". We stopped at floor 1, and in walks Jimmy, alongside Chandler. "Oh hey, guys!" Chandler said with a smile. They both walked in and we continued down to the Lobby. We arrived there to see Sap and Karl messing around with the hand-sanitizer dispenser which was sat on the wall.

"Stop messing with that you idiots, you're just wasting it." George scolded the two. They rolled their eyes and made it dispense one more time before walking over to us. 

We all checked out of our hotel rooms before we left the hotel. When we opened the doors to leave, we were instantly greeted by a sight of rollercoasters, distant screams of excitement, and a smell of foods and candies.

We spent the rest of the day staying together as a group, all going on different rides together. And when it started to get dark, we sat on a hill and watched as fireworks of all sorts of different colors, patterns, and shapes filled the dark, abyss of a sky. 

Once the show had ended, we took a bus back to my apartment, the ride in total was around 1 hour and 30 minutes, but more depending on traffic. On the drive back, I had fallen asleep, the last thing I remembered before was George sitting with Chandler playing Eye-Spy, Sapnap, and Karl talking about random things about the SMP, and Jimmy and Chris looking at their phones.

"WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!" A familiar voice had shouted out. I opened my eyes to see Sapnap looking down at me with a grin. I looked out the window and we were at a familiar bus stop. I yawned before I got up. George was pointing at something on Chandler's phone as he sat next to him. Chandler started laughing at his phone before showing George a video. George punched Chandler's shoulder before letting out a giggle. 

We all got up and left the bus, and we all started walking to my apartment. I put my hands in the pockets of my jeans before I look up and George who is walking with Chandler. I frowned, but I knew not the be clingy, so I just looked down at the concrete and continued walking. 

Their laughs seemed to be haunting me, Why am I so protective of him?  I frowned at myself, but I couldn't stop glaring at the two. Chandler messed up George's hair, to which George giggled and attempted to do the same to Chandler, but Chandler just grabbed both of Georges's hands, stopping George from getting his hands near his hair. The sight of Chandler holding George's hands had made my hands unconsciously form into a fist. I had noticed this and just exhaled, calming down, Their just friends. I kept repeating to myself

We eventually reached my apartment and when Jimmy and the others were about to leave, George asked, "Can Chandler stay over for a bit?" He smiled as he looked at Chandler, who smiled back at him. I glared at Chandler, "Sure, whatever." I forced a smile at the two. George's smile had brightened as he grabbed Chandler's hand and led him to the living room where they sat on the couch, facing each other. Sapnap shrugged, "I'm staying with these guys, see ya in the morning." Sapnap said as he used Karl's head as an armrest, mocking his hight.

After around 30 minutes of waiting for George to come to sleep, I got up to see why he was taking so long. I saw him and Chandler hugging near the front door, George was holding a sunflower; His favorite flower. 

This sight seemed to have infuriated me because before I knew it, I pushed Chandler to the ground. "What the hell!?" Chandler said as he rubbed the back of his head. "Leave my fucking house!" I growled as I stood over him. "DREAM!" George grabbed my arm and attempted to yank me away from Chandler, but I stood still as watched him leave the house. "What's got into you!?" George barked. I looked at George who was holding the flower with his arms crossed. In a fit of rage, I attempted to grab the flower, but George yanked back, "Dream, STOP!" He yelled, but instead of grabbing the flower, I ended up ripping off the petals. George gasped at this, and he threw the stem on the ground, "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!?" He yelled at me, I realized what I had done, and now George was mad at me. "George...I'm s-" I attempted to apologize, but he cut me off, "Save it." He snapped back, before walking into Sap's room and slamming the door. And there I was, standing there, at night, with sunflower petals in my hand.

I sat with my back against the door. "George...Please, I'm really sorry." I whimpered, but he'd just stay quiet. I got up and went to my room, and I could see that George was on the Dream SMP; Right, he said he needed to finish building something. 

I logged on and I went to a random chest I had and grabbed a sunflower. I ran around the SMP looking for George, I eventually found him near L'manburg, building a small, shack looking thing. I ran up to him and he just ignored me, "George." I typed in chat, but he just ignored me. Ponk then logged on, but I just ignored him. "George I'm sorry :(" I typed again, but George just started hitting me with a sword. I threw the Sunflower down and he stopped to grab it. A few seconds later, he put it in his hand and stood still for around 30 seconds before I heard my door open. I looked over to see George with his arms crossed. "I'm sorry~" I frowned, he rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around me, "Let's just sleep." he huffed. 

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