Theme Park

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Dream POV:

As the ray of sunlight hit my face, I tossed my arm over in an attempt to hold George, but my hand just hit the mattress. I opened my eyes to see the side where he slept empty. I yawned and laid there for a couple of minutes before I got up to see George and Sap, as well as Karl sitting on the floor in the living room packing their suitcases. I walked over to them, and the polished wood plank floor had made a creak while walking toward the three. 

They looked up at me, Karl and George waved. "Morning." I greeted with a smile. I looked down at them packing up their things, to which I frowned. The front door creaked open, I jerked my head to see who walked in and it was Jimmy with the rest of his friends. George, Sap, and Karl got up to greet them but I stayed sitting on the couch. George noticed and went back to me, he sat down and tilted his head slightly, "What's wrong?" He asked as he stroked his fingers through my hair. I frowned, "Do you have to go?" I asked as I looked at him with puppy eyes, he was only staying for two more days. He frowned, "I could always come back in a few months, but we already bought our tickets to leave now." George's gaze shifted to the floor. "I could just buy you a new ticket for next week..." I mumbled, to which George gave me a sad grin. "No Dream, I don't want you to waste your money." He chuckled in a sad manner. "But it won't be a waste...!" I frowned as I held his hands. George looked down and shook his head. I sighed, accepting his decision. 

Chris shouted at us from the front door, "Hey lovebirds, let's go!" He and the rest were waiting. I smiled at George and he held my hand as we walked over to the group and left the house.

We all hopped onto a public bus and started our trip to who knows where. While we sat there, George rested his head on my shoulder, to which I laid my head on head. He held my hand and smiled. "I love you." He whispered loud enough for only me to hear. I smiled and kissed the top of his head, "I love you more then you can imagine." I whispered back. We heard a gag from Chris and he looked at us. I rolled my eyes and flipped him off, to this he put his hand on his chest and acted offended. 

The bus stopped after an hour and dropped us off at some random bus-stop that was next to some art museum. The sound of cars filled the air, along with the different smells of food restaurants. Chandler was giving Sapnap and Jimmy directions on where to go, to which we followed their lead. We walked around until we found ourselves at Universal Studios.

Karl ran with Sapnap to the main entrance and waited for us there. George held onto my arm and gasped while pointing out some of the tall buildings he could see in there. We arrived at the entrance and all bought passes for entry. Once we walked through the gates, we were greeted by the large, spinning "Universal" globe. Behind it was a map of all the attractions we could visit. 

Jimmy, Chris, and Chandler pointed at the Honk Kong and Jurassic Park attractions in Islands of Adventure and decided they'd go there. While George was scanning through the map, he noticed two Harry Potter sections; Hogsmeade and Diagon Ally. He pointed at Hogsmeade and gasped, "Can we go there!?" He looked at me with a big smile. I chuckled at how cute he was when he was excited, I nodded and he grabbed my wrist and started running to where the map said it was, dragging me behind. I looked back to see Jimmy talking to Sap and Karl before they went opposite directions of each other. Jimmy, Chris, and Chandler all started running up to us. 

After we ran for a bit, George got tired and started to walk, admiring all of the other attractions that surrounded us, it seemed like we were living a bunch of different movies, all combined into one. Jimmy caught up to us and put his hands on his knees to catch his breath. "We're going to meet up there at around 9 PM." He said, stopping in between words to breathe. George and I nodded as we walked into the large, beautiful town that was in front of us, with a large sign at the top of the gateway leading into it; Hogsmeade.

George let go of me and ran ahead into the town, he stopped there and took in the outstanding landscape that surrounded him. I grinned and walked next to him, George pointed at some of the buildings and explained what each was, for he had always been a huge fan of Harry Potter.

We walked around for a few hours, as well as going on some rides. We went back into Universal Studios by taking the Hogwarts Express to Diagon Ally. We then went through most of the rides on the left of Universal Studios. I looked at the time and noticed it was already 8:46 PM. I pointed it out to George and We started heading back to the main entrance to Universal. We were the first ones back, and then Karl and Sap showed up. We waited there until 9:13 PM, then Jimmy showed up with the other two. They were all laughing about something, but we could care less, we just wanted to sleep. 

We all hopped back into a bus and went on a 20-minute drive to our next destination; Disney World

It was around 9:40 PM when we got there, and we were all pretty tired, so George took a small nap on the drive there. We got off the bus and George was extremely tired, but not as tired as he was when we went on our date. We walked over to the main entrance and bought some entry tickets, along with some hotel rooms.

George and I were in room 609,

Sapnap, Karl, and Chris were in room 420. 

And Jimmy and Chandler were in room 114.

(haha, see what I did there?)

George POV:

We went into our rooms, but once Dream and I got into our room, we weren't really tired, so we settled on watching Hamilton until we fell asleep. While I was setting up the movie, Dream kept complaining about how he could just pay for me to stay here longer, to which I rolled my eyes, "Talk less." I ordered. He frowned and gave me a some-what pouty face. "Well, smile more!" I laughed. He made a silent "hah" and cracked a small, noticeable smirk. 

Once it started playing, I laid next to him on the bed which was directly facing the TV. I tilted my head to where it rested comfortable on Dream's shoulder, and we had made it almost to the end of the film before we both fell asleep.

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