Run Girl Run

671 9 4

warning: poisoning

"I'm still your king and you will do what I say when I say!"Rune yelled.

"You don't control me, no one does!" Artemis yelled back.

"And another thing-" she was cut off by someone walking in. It was Bone, Rune's first guard.

"Sir...a word?" Bone ask with sadness in his voice and he looked at Artemis and back at Rune.

Rune nodded at Bone" we will finish this later" "no we won't" Artemis said as she stormed off to go find Shadow, her dog.

When she found Shadow they went to the field where her mother used to take her whenever she was upset. She and Shadow just sat there as she was writing her songs like she always did. It calmed her and helped her get her emotions out.

Shadow loved to hear her sing, he knew it helped her and that her songs and him were the only things keeping her from snapping.

"Shadow...why did you chose me to be your owner?" she asked him touching him so she could read his mind

"I didn't chose you...I was made to protect you which why I'm here ...and even if I wasn't made for you...I still would have chosen you to be my owner...I love you" 

" I love you too, Shadow...ride or die," Artemis said as he put her fist up.

"ride or die," Shadow thought as he bump her fist with his nose.

"Artemis" someone called her name. She looked and saw her brother Lupus with tears in his eyes. When he spotted her he ran and hugged her.

"I'm so sorry," he said sobbing.

"sorry?...for what?" She asked worried and confused.

"You haven't heard?... Flea he's...he's dead...he died trying to stop someone from entering the territory and that person he stopped was after you" he said.

Artemis was heartbroken. Flea was one of her best friends, he even signed up to be a guard to protect her when she became Queen and now he's dead and it's all because of her.

A week later...

 They buried him in the graveyard for warriors. She was so upset and as they were putting him into his grave she thought about how the two people who vowed to protect her died. She thought she was the reason for the death of her mom and now her best friend. She then made a decision to leave the kingdom before anyone else got hurt.

That night she packed her bag, got Shadow, and was heading for the road that went through the woods, but they were stopped by someone.

"Sister where are you going?" She turned around and saw her sister, Apollo.

"Away from here," Artemis told as she and Shadow began walking again.

"Why are you leaving...this is our home, where we belong" Apollo said with anger in her voice.

"Mom wouldn't have-" "Mom's dead....and it's my fault" Artemis had tears in her eyes "Flea's dead and it's because someone was after me... they both died because of me and I'm not going to get anyone else killed" Artemis said crying. Then Apollo ran and hugged her sister.

"It's not your fault...please don't go...your sister and my best friend, I love you...Please stay" Apollo said crying. Then pulled away from Artemis and stared at her face and tears went down her cheek.

"What is it?" Apollo asked

"Just...I'll miss you.....I love you too Apollo but I have to do what's best for our home... what's best for me" Artemis said as she stared into her sister's brown eyes. She then hugged her sister again whispering" tell Lupis and Wyatt I love them" Artemis said as she turned into a wolf and ran with Shadow. As she ran she heard a howl and knew it was her sister saying goodbye. So she howled back and kept running until she saw the city lights of San Francisco.

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