Chapter 25

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Narrator's point of view

When everyone was eager to go find another horcrux, Harry called his friends and went outside so they can apparate to the vaults. Auralie didn't trust the goblin, Griphook, there was something about him that made the girl's skin itch in annoyance.

"Are you sure, she's ready for this? Disguising like the one who's tortured you can be uncanny." Auralie whispered to Harry, whom nodded his head.

"Well? How do I look?" Hermione asked when she had already took the face of Bellatrix, thanks to the hair that they found on Auralie's coat.

Auralie looked away in cringe, she's seeing her crazy aunt on the outside but on the inside it's the girl she loves disguised as one of the people she hate most on this earth.

"Hideous." Ron said truthfully, he has a beard on his face so that nobody can recognise him. Auralie and Harry were just going to use the cloak of invisibility in hiding.

"You can give that to Hermione to hold. Alright, Griphook?" Harry said and the goblin gave the sword of Gryffindor to Hermione, shooting it inside the bag.

Ron extended his hand for everyone to hold so they can go, Hermione hesitated to do so when she saw Auralie's on top but did it anyways. There was no time for personal vendettas.

Auralie looked away from the girl, didn't want to say anything nor make eye contact. Harry's hand was on top of Hermione's and the Goblin held their hand. "We're relying on you Griphook. If you get us past the guards and into the vault, the sword is yours." Harry said before they apparated in Diagon alley.

A death-eater was roaming the streets and saw Bellatrix standing there still, "Madame Lestrange." He said in greeting.

"Goodmorning." Hermione said, a little nervous for she did not expect that to happen so quickly. The word just slipped her mouth.

When the man already walked away, surprised by the sudden greeting from his superior, Hermione wanted to slap herself in the face for doing so.

"Goodmorning? You're Bellatrix Lestrange not some google eyed school girl." Griphook said in anger making Auralie want to hurt the Goblin. They were all nervous and Griphook was not helping.

"Hey. Easy." Ron said warning the smaller man un front of him.

"If she gives us away, We might as well use that sword to slit our own throats. Understand?" He countered and Auralie rolled her eyes.

"No he's right. I was being stupid." Hermione sighed closing her eyes to regain composure.

"Okay, Let's go." Harry whispered and carried Griphook on his behind while Auralie stood besides him, Ron threw the cloak over them and they were no longer visible.

Auralie sighed quietly when she saw how close they were to getting caught, Hermione and Ron look so tense and not themselves obviously. There were many guard on sight and the only people who are not going to get caught are
the ones under the cloak. She's worried for Hermione and Ron as to they might break out of character. Good thing Harry used the imperio curse on the Goblin who was interrogating Hermione and was so close to being exposed.

"Hermione." Auralie whispered while they were on their way to the vaults, The polyjuice potion is still working.

"What?" Hermione asked thinking it was Ron or Harry but was shocked to see Auralie extended her hand out.

"My wand. It's in your bag." She stated and Hermione nodded reaching inside the small bag to look for it. Whilst that was happening Auralie looked back and saw a water pouring down and they were about to get soaked.

𝗖𝘂𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 ; Hermione Granger ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now