Chapter 1

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    My name is Shealynn Marie Simmone. My life wasn't too bad. I had some trouble in school, minor bullying, and a troubled family life. My grades hit rock bottom when my dad died. That was when it all started I guess. I got into rock/emo music, changed my style among other things.

    My mom on the other hand had gotten worse. When my dad was alive she dabbled in drugs, but now she is an addict, and alcoholic, and a whore to say the least. Life at home was hell, but I knew that people had it worse with abusive parents and hard core bullying so I wasn't too worried about myself.

   I was thinking all of this while getting ready for school. I threw on my converse, bvb band tee, and some black faded skinny jeans. I had my best friend Saphira dye my hair pitch black with blood red tips the other night. It looked amazing. I put on my eye makeup and ran out the door before my drunk ass mother could stop me.

   I got to school and saw Saphira. Her bubbly laughter made some guys she was talking to grin as she fluffed up her navy blue tipped dark brown hair. I rolled my eyes as she flirted tirelessly. She yelped as I grabbed her arm and dragged her away.

   "You know, I was trying to get a date for winter formal." She said.

" You won't have a hard time with that." I mumbled.

   "What's that supposed to mean?!?" She asked clueless of her perfection to guys.

   "Never mind that." I said quickly going on,"Guess who scored us some amazing tickets to a concert of none other than Black Veil Brides themselves!!!!" I was practically squealing at the end.


   At this point we were both screaming hysterically as people shot us weird looks.

   "I KNOW RIGHT!?! But right now we have to get through two more days of school." I said as calmly as I could.

   " I need new shoes. What am I going to wear?!?" She continued to mumble to herself during class.

   The whole day I fantasized about meeting them. I imagined what I would say, what I would wear, and other stuff like that. The day flew by faster than any other and before I blinked I was back home on the computer. I scrolled through the dashboard of fan fiction (don't judge) ad found one that sounded interesting. Before I got through one chapter I heard my mom practically falling downstairs giggling madly. I peeked out my door to see her and someone's deadbeat husband (he was wearing a wedding ring on his left ring finger) walking through the house. I sighed and texted Saphira.

Me: CHIIIICCKKK will ur parents mind if I stay the night? Moms got a guy...

 Her: But if course you can come over my darling! And ugh another one?! Jeezus she needs a new hobby!

 Me: ikr? Be over in ten

   And I packed a bag, left a note and was out the window before mom even remembered she had a daughter.

   Me and Saphira had been besties since like preschool. She knew everything about me and I knew everything about her. Whether or not that was bad... So when I got to her house her mom welcomed me like a daughter and already had snacks, movies, popcorn, and a bvb cd blasting from the speakers. Me and Saphira  danced and sang to the music (complete with air guitar, drums, and applause). The whole night was pretty basic for a sleepover really. Boy talk, music talk, fan girling, et. In the morning we did each others makeup and hair and left for school with plenty time to spare.

   The day was spent in agonizing suspense as each minute felt like years to the point where time felt frozen as teachers blabbed about the most boring things they could imagine to torture us. Finaly when the bell rang to let us go me and Saphira were flying out the doors in a whirlwind of excitement. Tonight was the night of the concert, and we planned to have the utmost fun we could.

   I curled her hair with the exception of her bangs and picked out a sleeveless cut up bvb t shirt, ripped black skinny jeans, black combat boots, A leather jacket, and brackets with various band names on them. She teased ad straightened my hair and picked out a similar outfit for me. It was a bvb tank with short shorts, black leggings, converse that came up to my knees and half fingered fishnet gloves that came up to my elbows. We did our makeup and ended up looking like poster girls for emo which,coincidentally , is exactly what we wanted!

   By the time we were done it was 6 and we needed to leave. Fast. We jumped into her car and drove to the venue just in time to push our way to the front. The stage was foggy and there was a cloth hanging between us and the band. When the cloth fell away I gasped as five of the sexist men to ever exist stood in front of me. Suddenly me and Saphira were screaming as loud as we could. Then Andy yelled "Are you ready motherfuckers?!" Every one screamed. "I said, ARE YOU READY?!" He yelled even louder. The crowd screamed hysterically. Then they played perfect weapon. Oh my god his voice was SO much better in person! They then played Set the world on fire, Sweet blasphemy, Rebel love song, Knives and pens, New religion, and Beautiful Remains.

   Me and Saphira were screaming the whole time. Andy's beautiful eyes danced around the room with satisfaction when the concert closed and his fans were all chanting his bands name. It was beyond words.

   We went to where the meet and greet was and got them to sign our shirts shorts and Saphira took pictures of all of us. It was amazing. I fantasized them taking a liking to us and asking us to join the tour and such like fan fiction says. Unfortunately today was the last stop on the tour and they were probably going to go home and forget about me and Saphira instantly.

  Oh well I thought as we drove to her house and drifted to deep sleep cushioned by fan girl dreams of bvb.

   We woke up to the familiar drowsiness of the weekend and immediately headed to the mall. I don't know what demon possessed us with the idea of going to the mall as soon as we woke up but we did. We stopped by hot topic to see if any new merch had suddenly appeared but alas none did and we walked out with the disappointment of five year olds declined candy.

   We went outside to sit by the fountain when we saw a fight. I got pissed. No one should fight publicly it was stupid and barbaric in terms of humanity and was seriously bullying and could cause death. It was stupid ad cruel that people of any age would condone any for of fighting or bullying. I didn't even stop to think as I pushed past people to break up the fight. What I saw horrified me. A girl a little younger than me but dressed quite similar was being beaten by some jock. I pushed him away from her, broke his nose, kneed him in his special private place, and grabbed the girl and ran with her practically carrying her before anyone knew exactly what happened.

hey guys! its my first fanfic so read and enjoy. also i own nothing of black veil brides or any other band or thing in the story. Just the made up characters that came strictly from my mind!

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