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Jack rushed through the room and towards her office.  "Hey Sloane..." Bishop said cautiously.  Jack said nothing. "Is everything okay?"

"Fine." She huffed.  As soon as she got to her office she slammed the door shut.  It wasn't long before she broke down in tears. She heard three light knocks on the door. She wiped her tears and buried her face in some papers.

"Come in." Ellie walked in. "Bishop...I am so sorry for snapping at you back there. I just, I had a rough morning and..."

"You don't have to explain, Jack."

"No, really, I'm sorry."

"Jack, it's okay." Ellie cut her off. "I just came to let you know that we're always here if you need anything."

"Thanks Bishop, that means a lot, but I promise you, I'm fine." Ellie smiled.

"Sure, anytime." She slowly backed out of the room.  Wow, I feel so bad for snapping at Ellie, Jack thought to herself.

When Ellie got back to the bullpen, she was lost in thought, and Nick noticed. "Bishop, why do you look so nervous?" He asked when she sat down at her desk.

"Something's wrong with Sloane.  I don't know what, but I can tell it's something."  She admitted.

"Look, maybe you're just imagining it."  She shook her head.

"No.  You heard how she snapped at me when she walked in..."

"So maybe she's just in a bad mood." he said, cutting her off.

"It's more than that. When I went to her office, she apologized to me like crazy.  And she wouldn't look at me, but I think she was crying."

"Sloane crying?" Now Torres was spooked. The agents never saw Jack cry.

"Good morning agents." Dr. Grace greeted them with a sing-song voice. They watched as she walked up the stairs. Ellie looked at Nick and he looked back, knowing they were thinking the same thing. Before they could say anything, Gibbs walked in.

"Bishop, Torres, dead body in Westin." He handed Ellie a paper. "Here's the address. Pick up McGee and I'll meet you there."

"Sure boss." Nick replied.

Meanwhile, Jack sat in her office, trying to pull herself together and get ready to talk to Doctor Grace.  When Grace knocked on the door, Jack let her in and they sat on the couch. Grace looked her in the eye. "Alright Agent Sloane... what's wrong? Why'd you sound so urgent when you called?"  Jack hesitated, wondering if she should share. "C'mon, I haven't got all day."

She took a deep breath.  "I recently found something out. And I have to tell someone, but I'm not sure how I feel about it myself."

"Is it about a case?" Jack shook her head. "So this is personal?" Grace asked.  "Agent Sloane, we're friends. And you wouldn't have called me if you didn't trust me.  What's going on?"

Here goes nothing, Jack thought to herself.  "I...I found out I'm pregnant."  Grace was speechless for a moment. Finally, she spoke.

"I would say congratulations, but you don't sound so happy about it."

"It's hard to explain."

"Hard to explain, or you don't want to explain?" Grace looked her in the eyes.

"Both." Jack admitted.

"And whom don't you want to explain it to?" She questioned. "The father?" Jack nodded.

"I can't just tell him about a pregnancy when I don't even know my own feelings about it. I don't want him to think I'm unhappy, it's not that at all..."

Grace took her hands. "You aren't unhappy, you're scared."

"How did you-"

"I can tell when a person is scared, Agent Sloane. Now look at me."  Jack looked up at her. "Do you love him?"  She nodded.  "Does he love you?"


"If this man loves you, he will support you and be patient with you until you're ready to talk about it." Grace looked down at her friend's hands.  Jack watched her eyes drift towards her left hand. Grace looked back up at Jack as she ran a finger over a wedding ring she hadn't noticed before.

"He's your husband, Jack. And I know him better than most people do.  So I know he will understand."  Jack looked down at her ring.  As soon as the two women hugged and Grace left, she took it off. I can't take any chances with the team finding out, she thought, not until we're both ready.

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