First stand battle - whack-a-thug!

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[3 months till UA]

Izuku- "Hey Mum, I hope you're doing okay there..."

Izuku looked at his mother lying on the hospital bed, still unconscious.

Izuku- "I've made a lot of progress since I started training - we've finally figured out what Metalingus does! I've also become tougher if I do say so myself, both physically and emotionally..."

Izuku chuckled at the irony - he knew he was starting to leak tears.

Izuku- "Mum, I miss you...*sniff* please wake up soon. It's not the same without you. *sniff* I may have gotten the Kujo name but I'm still Izuku Midoriya, your son..."

Still though, despite the plea, Inko layed there motionless and still in her coma...

Izuku brought his arm up and wiped away his leaking tears.

Izuku- "I have to go mother, Mr Jotaro doesn't like it when I'm late. I'll see you later. I love you..."

Izuku then left the hospital room, ready to start the next day of training.

Jotaro- "You ready Izuku?"

Jotaro- "You ready Izuku?"

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Izuku- "Yup. Let's go."

Izuku's pov:

After much testing around, we were finally able to determine my stand's ability, and it was proving to be quite the ability.

What is it exactly? Well to put it simply, my stand is able to manipulate the very fabrics of the air when I choose, hence the flames that surrounded my hand. My stand can become one with the wind and quickly move across areas without any indication, which allows him to move extremely quickly. Metalingus is also able to manipulate the air around, and use it in any way possible, like an air cutter, or even an air punch, though it can only travel about 7m from my stand.

Yes, it's not as ridiculous as stopping time, like star platinum, but I can find use in this - a lot of uses. Plus it covers the short range nature of Metalingus, and so I think it's pretty nifty.

For example, clearing the trash.

Metalingus- "DEEKIIIIIRRR!!!"

One of the scrap piles became shredded into nothingness by the air. Of course if it were a bigger object such as a fridge then it would have slightly larger chunks, but something  else we discovered is that Metalingus is very aggressive in his attacks. Mr Jotaro has been forced to use his time stop multiple times, which I dare say is an achievement in itself for me. Plus, Mr Jotaro got to hone his skills, so that was always a plus.

Jolyne would also get in the action sometimes with her stand, Stone Free. Overall we were all growing stronger, and I, at last, was becoming more and more prepared for UA.

Physically as well though I was nothing to scoff at. Yeah yeah I was scrawny as hell a couple months ago but Mr Jotaro made sure I got build up.

Mr Jotaro- 'Strength of the stand isn't everything Izuku. If you can't live through some shit then neither can your stand.'

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