What Am I - Part 1

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My name is Jonah Frantzich or Marais as I'm well known as.

I have a 2 year old little girl called Leah. My ex girlfriend got pregnant (obviously) she didn't tell me but broke up with me. 10 months later she appears at my front door with a baby.

*Flash back*

There is a knock on the door. Jonah gets up and opens it to see his ex standing there with a baby.

Jo: Hey
J/ex: Hey!
Jo: Whats up?
J/ex: I gave birth to your daughter 2 weeks ago and I thought I could cope but I cant. She deserves someone who will love her and give her what she needs.
Jo: What?!
J/Ex: Here is your daughter

Jonah stands in shock as he watches his ex walk away. He looks down at the little girl who looks up and him, a little smile appears on her lips. He falls in love with his daughter instantly.

Jonah called Jack for some help. Jack has a car seat that belongs to Lavender in his house so Jonah can go to the shops.

*Back to the present day*

Jonah has gone to the day care to pick up Leah.

L: Hewwo daddy
Jo: Hello Princess

Jonah takes her little hand and they walk out together.

As they are doing this a lady walks out with her son.

Le: Bye Wuke
Lu: Bye weah

Jonah smiles at the little boys mommy.

*Y/Ns POV*

2 years ago I had a little boy called Luke. Sadly his daddy passed away in a car accident 2 months before he was born.

I am going to pick Luke up from day care today as I've been at work.

We walk out of the day centre where a man and little girl are leaving too. I look at the man and give him a smile.

Le: Bye Wuke
Lu: Bye Weah

So cute. I love her name. I give the man another smile and head to the car.

Lu: Mommy?
Y/N: Yeah baby
Lu: Weah no Mommy
Y/N: Awww doesn't she?
Lu: No

*Jonah's POV*

That lady has a beautiful smile. Her son is so cute.

I walk with Leah to our car.

Le: Daddy?
Jo: Yeah princess?
Le: Wuke no daddy
Jo: Doesn't he?
Le: No, he sweepy
Jo: Awww poor lad

We get to our car to find Luke and his mommy getting to their car next to ours.

Jo: Hey
Y/N: Hi

Jonah walks over to her car with Leah.

*No Pov*

Jo: Im Jonah
Le: Hi Wuke Mommy
Y/N: Hey Sweetie, im Y/N
Lu: Hi Weah daddy
Jo: You can call me Jojo
Lu: Hi Jojo

Jonah let's out a laugh.

Jo: How are you?
Y/N: Im okay thanks and you?
Jo: Im good yeah, just going to go get something to eat
Y/N: Do you eat out?
Jo: Yeah, I cant really cook *laughs*
Y/N: *Laughs* Would you like to come over for dinner?
Le: Yes Peese
Jo: Leah, we can't intrude
Y/N: Oh no, you wouldnt be intruding. I always make to much
Lu: Peese Jojo
Jo: Only if you are sure
Y/N: Yeah i am, follow behind in your car

They both get into their cars and head to Y/N's house.

They have dinner and Jonah leaves with Leah.

*Skip 3 days*

Today Y/N goes to pick Luke up and sees that's him and Leah are the only two kids here.

Y/N: Hey baby
Lu: Mommy!

Leah sits down and looks to the ground

Y/N: Sweetie where is your daddy?
Le: Wok

Y/N can see some tears rolling down Leah's cheeks.

Y/N picks up Luke and Leah's bag.

D/C: Do you know Leah?
Le: Yes! Food
Y/N: I've been having Leah and Jonah over for dinner for 3 days now.
D/C: Okay
Y/N: If Jonah arrives before you leave tell him, I have Leah.

Y/N leaves with Luke and Leah.

*Skip 3 hours *

*Jonahs POVS*

Fuck! Im running so so late for picking Leah up. Oh my!

Jonah parks up and gets into the nursery but the doors are locked.

Jo: FUCK!!!
Jo: Who the fuck has Leah!!!
Jo: Shit!
Jo: Wait! Y/N!
Jo: Damn! I dont have her number.

Jonah gets in the car and heads to Y/N's house.

He parks up and heads to the door.

He can hear Leah shouting daddy!

Leah opens the door and runs into Jonah's arms.

Y/N: Hey! I tried to get hold of you but I didn't have your details
Jo: Its okay, I did have a panic but I remembered she would be here.
Y/N: Come in for a minute

Jonah enters into the house and sits down on the sofa.

Y/N: Luke and Leah?
Lu: Yes mommy?
Y/N: Go play with the toys for a little while
Le: Otay!

You turn to face Jonah and smile

Y/N: What do you work as?
Jo: Im a singer in a band and we are trying to get the album done
Y/N: Ah I see. Listen I know I dont know you well but I want to help you out
Jo: W-what?
Y/N: Omg! No not like that I meant with Leah
Jo: Oh! How?
Y/N: We will exchange numbers, you tell the nursery I can take Leah home and you collect her from here. When we went to leave she sat down and cried. It was horrible to see. So you tell me what days you want to stay longer at the studio and I will have Leah for the afternoon. If you need to do all nighters then I will have her here.
Jo: Oh no! I cant ask you to do that!
Y/N: Jonah, Its fine. If it would help you and maybe make Leah feel slightly happier then I'm happy to do it
Jo: Are you sure?
Y/N: 100% Sure Jonah. Give me your phone

Jonah hands Y/N his phone and she puts her number in it. She hands Jonah hers so he can do the same.

Jonah smiles at Y/N before pulling  her in for a hug

Jo: Thank you so much!
Y/N: What size of clothes does Leah wear? Does she choose them herself?
Jo: 2-3 years old and sometimes.
Y/N: Are you free at the weekend?
Jo: Yeah on Sunday, why?
Y/N: Come over for 11am and we will go out shopping. I'll get a little room set up for Leah in her design or I can take Leah on Saturday and she can choose them you can help on Sunday?
Jo: Would it be okay for you to have her Saturday and we will do that Sunday?
Y/N: Ofcourse. Are you hungry?
Jo: A little
Y/N: Get the kids and come into the kitchen 
Jo: Y/N, you are doing to much for us
Y/N: Nonsense. I already made dinner for you to take home.
Jo: Thank you so much for all off this. I'll pay you some money every week.
Y/N: Jonah, maybe you can just help with the funds to set up her little room and some toys here for her. The rest I dont mind
Jo: Are you sure?
Y/N: Very
Jo: What do you work as?
Y/N: I work for Atlantic Records, I do the Internet promos etc
Jo: I've never seen you there?
Y/N: Are you signed by them?
Jo: Yeah me and 4 others
Y/N: Wait, Why Dont We?
Jo: Yeah
Y/N: Ohh wow! I've just done the promo for Fallin

You both get up and head into the kitchen. Jonah goes to get Luke and Leah.

You all sit down to eat

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