What Am I - Jonah

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You go about the day like normal but you've been thinking alot.

Daniel is right, its unfair on Leah and myself.

By the end of the day everyone has eaten and headed home. You say goodbye to everyone. You give Leah a long hug and one last kiss.

It's better this way, right?

*Skip 5 days*

You've been avoiding Jonah's calls and texts. Your mom has been picking Luke up for you and dropping him off. He keeps asking when Leah will be staying over. He is so confused and you feel awful but it's for the best, right?

*In the Studio*

Jonah let's out a frustrated sigh and slams his fist on the desk

C: Whats up man?
Jo: I need to go pick Leah up
C: I thought Y/N was doing it
Jo: She was supposed to but she hasn't spoken to me since Sunday. I dont know why
C: Maybe you should go to her house and speak to her.
Jo: Yeah I think I will cause I want to know what we done wrong. Leah has been crying herself to sleep. Her mom has been picking up Luke but Y/N hasn't been working extra.
C: Damn! I don't know what's going on bro. She seemed fine on Sunday.
Jo: Yeah she did, did any of you say anything to her?
Ja: Nope
Z: Nah bro

Daniel looks at Jonah then to the ground

Jo: What the fuck did you say Daniel?
D: I told her that its best to try to discourage Leah from calling her Mommy.
Jo: WHY?!
D: Cause I knew it would hurt Y/N when you got a girlfriend and Leah stopped calling her Mommy.
Jo: That wasnt your place to say that Daniel! How do you know I wasn't going to ask Y/N?
D: I didnt, I'm sorry. It just seemed like you where using her to look after Leah and feed you both
Jo: Daniel! I kissed Y/N cause I like her. I actually have kissed her. She was the first person to make me feel any sort of happiness
D: I'm really sorry Jonah. I was only thinking of Y/N
Jo: Why? Cause you want to be with her?
D: No, I don't want to date her. I was jealous. Okay?
Jo: Jealous of what?!
Jo: Why?
D: Cause you have everything! A strong family, good looks, a daughter and now a new girlfriend. What do I get? Some girl who uses me for clout.
Jo: Daniel, you have a good life too. You are a gorgeous man, you have lovely blue eyes, you are talented. Get to know someone first. Forget about your sexual needs and get to know them. That may help. I know we are young horny lads but try not to think of that. Push past that and get to know a person first . It helps alot Daniel.
D: I feel like all they want is just sex.
Jo: Well if you get that impression from them just say "Sorry I'm not interested in just sex" them see what they say.
D: Okay, I will try. Sorry and thank you. You better go to Y/N's or get Leah then go there.
Jo: I will

*Leaves Studio*

Jonah runs out to his car and speeds of to get Leah.

Jo: Hey baby
Le: Hi daddy

Jonah gets Leah in the car and drives to Y/Ns on the way he stops off at a shop to buy some flowers and chocolates.

Le: Why?
Jo: I need to talk to Y/N
Le: Why?
Jo: Uncle Daniel said something to Y/N which he shouldn't have done. Im here to make it right
Le: Bad Untle!
Jo: Yeah I know baby, I told him off.
Le: Ood! I get Mommy *points at flowers*
Jo: You want to get her a gift?
Le: Yes Peese

Jonah takes Leah around the shop to see if there is something she can give to Y/N. She sees a teddy bear and her eyes light up.

She points to the teddy. One has a pink top on and one has a blue

Le: Me and Wuke

Jonah smiles and puts them in the basket. Leah is still looking for something for Y/N.

Le: There!

She points over to a necklace. It has the word Mommy on it.

Le: This! From me and wuke
Jo: Okay baby

Jonah gets the lady to put the necklace in a box and he pays for it.

He goes to the check out and pays for the other items.

They get into the car and head to Y/Ns.

He pulls into the driveway. He gets Leah out before getting the gifts. Leah runs to the door and waits for Jonah.

He rings the doorbell and waits

Y/N: Just coming!

Y/N arrives at the door and opens it. She is shocked to see Jonah and Leah.

Jo: Could I please talk to you
Y/N: Sure, come in
Jo: Thank you

Leah takes the teddies and necklace.

Le: Wuke?
Y/N: He is in the lounge
Le: Otay

She runs to the lounge and sees Luke.

Le: Wuke?
Lu: Weah!

Luke gets up and runs to Leah. She hands him his teddy.

Lu: Fanks
Le: For Mommy

She shows him the little box and he smiles.

Jonah comes closer to Y/N, his hands on her cheeks and kisses her lips, she kisses back.

Jo: Listen, Daniel told me what he said. Im so sorry Y/N. He didn't realise I was planning on asking you out on a date. You where the first person I've been interested in. He was jealous so he said that. Its far from the truth. Im really sorry.
Y/N: I was only withdrawing myself cause I knew what he said was right. It would hurt me so much.
Jo: Well I'm hoping you don't have to withdraw yourself from Leah anymore. She cried herself to sleep. She missed you so much. I missed you so much.
Y/N: I missed you both too.
Jo: Do you have anyone who can look after Luke for the night?
Y/N: Yeah I do, my mom and dad.
Jo: I can ask one of the boys to have Leah.
Y/N: Why?
Jo: Can I please take you out on a date?
Y/N: Yes

Jonah kisses you again and you both pull away when you hear Luke and Leah.

Lu: Yuk!
Le: Ooties

You turn to face them and laugh.

Le: For Mommy

She hands you the little box and you open it. You start to cry

Le: No Cwy mommy
Y/N: Thank you both. I love it.
Le: Is otay mommy
Lu: Welcome

You bend down and give them both a hug and kisses.

Jonah puts the necklace on you and kisses your neck.

Leah stands in front of you with a big smile on her face.

You bend down and pick her up.

She rests her head on your shoulder.

Le: I miss wuu
Y/N: I missed you more
Le: Wuv Wuu Mommy
Y/N: I love you too baby
Lu: Me?
Y/N: I love you too baby

Jonah bends down and picks Luke up.

Lu: You my daddy?
Jo: Yes I am
Lu: Wuv wuu daddy
Jo: I love you too my boy
Jo: I love you too princess
Le: Wuv wuu daddy

You all head into the livingroom. You all sit down and go to put a movie on

Jo: Oh i forgot something

He gets up and walks to the front door.

He comes back with his hands behind his back. Then he presents the flowers and chocolates to you

Y/N: Awww these are beautiful thank you.
Jo: Beautiful just like you

You get up and put them in a vase. You feel 2 arms snake around your waist.

Jo: Will you go on a date with me? Please
Y/N: .......

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