What Am I - Jonah

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Lu: Daddy, we stway with Untles still?
Jo: Hopefully. We will see how Leah feels
Lu: Otay daddy, fanks
Jo: Welcome baby
Lu: I wikes having a Daddy
Jo: I like having a son and obviously a daughter too.
Lu: Wuu and mommy have baby?
Jo: We will yes, we need to ask the angels first. Will you and Leah help us with the baby?
Lu: Yes! What do?
Jo: You could cuddle your baby brother or sister to sleep. You could help Mommy and Me to change their diapers.
Lu: Oh! Be stwinky
Jo: *laughs* Yes but you could just pass us wipes, cream, a clean diaper and maybe clean clothes
Lu: Oh we do that!
Jo: Good.

You walk through to livingroom with Leah in your arms.

Jo: How is she?
Le: Otay daddy
Jo: Oh thank goodness.

Leah is sucking her thumb with her head resting on your shoulder.

Jo: Can daddy please have some hugs?
Le: Mhmmm

*Skip to Friday*

Leah is alot better and they have been begging to go to their Uncle's this afternoon.

You've spent the morning with them and Corbyn is here to collect them

You give them both a hug and kiss.  They walk to Corbyn's car and get into their car seats.

They wave bye as they are driving off.

They arrive at Corbyn's House. Corbyn gets them out the car, they run into the house.

Le: Untle!!!
E: Yesss..
Lu: Yay!!!

Corbyn comes in with all the bags etc. Jack, Zach and Daniel arrive.

Leah runs to them and they give her a hug before tickling her.

Luke is still hesitant around them. After an hour or so Luke starts to interact more.

Jonah's room has been set up with some games, some triangle tents and a big projector on the wall.

Jordan arrives home from work and he sets up everything.

Jordan comes downstairs and tells everyone its ready

Z: Are you two ready?
Lu: For?
Jo: Ahhhh! Its a surprise.
D: Let's go!

They all run up the stairs. Jordan opens the door and they go inside.

Lu: Wow!
Le: Yea

There is some arcade games and other type of games where they win prizes.

Jordan posts a reel video on Instagram of Leah and Luke playing games.

Z: Leah! Let's play this game!
Le: Otay!

Luke looks a little sad and Jack notices

J: Luke! We will play this game!
Lu: Ohtay

Eben goes beside Zach and whisper talks to him

E: Dude! Why are you being distant with Luke?
Z: Im not
E: You just made him sad because you wanted Leah only
Z: I keep forgetting he is here now. I'm sorry
E: You should apologise to him not me

Leah gets up and walks over to Luke. She gives him a hug.

Le: Sowwie Wuke
Lu: Its otay, I want mommy

Luke starts to get upset. Jordan comes over to him and takes him out the room.

Jo: Shall we phone Mommy?
Lu: Yes Peese

Jordan phones Jonah's number and he answers 

Jo: Hello?
Lu: Daddy! Come Peese
Jo: Whats wrong baby?
Lu: I sad! I wants mommy
Jo: Why?
Lu: No one pway wif me. They no wike me
Y/N: Baby, im sure thats not true. They need to get used to you being around. Its all new for them still.
Lu: Home mommy!
Y/N: Baby, please try to stay a little longer. If you are still sad later, I will pick you up.
Lu: Otay Mommy.
Y/N: I love you baby, cheer up please
Lu: Wuv wuu mommy, I twy

You said goodbye to Luke and he tries to go back into the room.

Z: LUKE! Where are you?
Z: LUKE!! I won you a toy!

Luke runs through to the room and sees Zach holding a remote control car

Z: Im sorry Luke. I didnt mean to make you sad
Lu: Otay
Z: I need to get used to you being in our little family.
Lu: Yea!
Z: Want to play with your car?
Lu: Yes Peese

Zach gets the car out the box and sets it up.

Luke sits with Zach and they control the car together.

Luke takes the controller and drives the car. He crashes it into Eben's foot.

E: Ouch!
Lu: *laughs* Sowwie
E: Ohh thats it! Tickle time

Luke gets up and runs around the room.

Lu: Save me Ach!

Zach picks Luke up and saves him.

They all continue playing games. Its now dinner time.

C: What do we want for dinner?!
Lu: Izza!
Le: Yeah!
C: Right, let's order it.
Lu: Where Owdan?
C: Ahhh, we can't tell you! Its a surprise
Z: Did you all have fun?
Le: Yes!
Lu: Yes me did
C: We best phone Mommy and daddy to tell them you are okay now

Corbyn phones Jonah so Luke can talk to Y/N.

Y/N: Hello
Lu: Hi Mommy
Le: Hi mommy
Y/N: Hey babies. How are you both?
Le: Fine
Lu: Bettew. We gots new twoys
Y/N: Really?! How?!
Lu: Untle! Twell mommy peese
C: Jordan set up a mini indoor arcade. So they played some games and won prizes.
Y/N: Oh wow! You are all lucky!
Lu: Yes! Fun!
C: Y/N, I'm going to text you after this to make sure its okay
Y/N: Em okay?
C: Surprise for the kids 
Y/N: Ah I see. That's fine
Lu: Bye mommy!
Le: Bye mommy
Y/N: Bye babies, love you

The call ends and you get a text.


C: We are going to do a little picnic in the back garden with Pizza etc. Jordan got a claw machine that we have put some sweets in. Is that okay? Also are they allowed some chocolate fountain?
Jo: Yeah thats fine. Don't give them to much sugar but it's fine.
C: Did you put in some swim wear?
Jo: Yeah in their bags.
C: Thank you! Dont get to wild now!
Jo: We will dont worry

*end of text*

The door bell rings and the pizza is here.

Jor: Luke! Leah!
Lu: Yes?
Le: Yes?
Jor: Come outside

They run outside to see mini claw machines set up and the chocolate fountain

Lu: Wow! Wook Weah
Le: Choco!!
C: Pizza first then onto sweets
Le: Yay!
Ja: Then...... its Pool Party time!!!
Lu: Oh!

Luke takes his clothes off and runs into the pool (shallow part) he grabs onto the floaty ring

Ja: Oh! Well
Le: Siwwy Wuke!
E: What on earth?
Z: I love this kid!
C: Em, Jack I thought we said later
Ja: I did, he just jumped in.
Z: Luke, you are one crazy dude

Luke laughs as Daniel comes out with their swimwear

D: Well I guess he won't need these *laughs* Lets get these shorts on you so we can eat pizza
Lu: Izza!!!!

Luke gets out with Daniels help and gets his shorts on.

They sit down and eat their pizza

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